Chapter 19: Grudges

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Terra enters the abandoned building by smashing the side window in since the doors were locked shut. Stepping through and getting onto ground floor, glass cracking under his shoes, he looks at the building, no lights on, and dust gathering in the building for some time. Terra takes a few steps forward, only for Solaria to come out of her luxury ball and appear in front of Terra. The two just stare at each other for a little bit, then Terra groans.

"Look, if you're going to yell at me, at least-"

"I'm not going to yell at you." Solaria said. "But I am going to exigent about you apologizing to Zatel for how you acted to him." Terra groans, pinching the bridge of his nose as he walks past her.

"Don't open that back up. I don't want to go back to being that angry."

"Then maybe you should have apologized when you were first told." Solaria said following Terra.

"Solaria, I'm still fuming over that, and you're only making it worse." Terra said. Solaria starts to get annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I getting on your nerves, or is your ego starting to get out of control again? I'd have an easier time telling the two apart if they both didn't react the exact same!" Terra tenses up, then relaxes as he tries to temper himself.

"Alright, I get it, I was an ███, but what I said made complete sense." Solaria huffed loudly, exhaling some fire from her mouth.

"That doesn't mean you have the right to lash out and take it out on him." Terra comes to a pair of electronic metal doors that are shut.

"Solaria, now is not the time to-"

"You know what? No. Now is the perfect time to remind you how badly you messed up! You did nothing but traumatize Rio during that battle for the sake of your entertainment! You deliberately knew that he was scared of Sylveon and utilized that because you "had to toughen him up." Now look what you've done! You've pushed Zatel away from you because you and your stupid temper couldn't just stop for a second and think of anyone else but what you wanted!" Terra starts to tense up again, putting on hand to his face.


"Did you ever stop to think of what HE wants?! He's been nothing but kind while trying his hardest, but all I've ever seen you do is try to tear him down! You haven't been helping him improve, you've only been killing his self-esteem! Is that what you wanted Terra?! Was bullying the others during school not enough for you?! You have to resort to bully Rio because he doesn't meet YOUR views?! Well news flash to you Terra, YOU DON'T CONTROL HIM!" Terra starts to growl loudly until he screams, grabbing one of the metal doors with both hands and ripping it off its hinges, throwing it behind him as he grabs the other and throws it in front of him, hitting the wall and making a loud clang throughout the building. Terra starts seething again, then starts walking towards a staircase in the newly accessible room. Solaria follows Terra, still glaring daggers at him.

Walking up the stairs, Terra and Solaria enter what appears to be a lab of sorts. As Terra reaches the top of the stairs, he exhales deeply, trying to calm himself down again. Solaria comes up behind him, looking away from Terra as she walks on. Terra looks at Solaria and reaches out towards her.

"Solaria, hold on, this place might not-"

"What? Now you're getting concerned? It's a little late for sentimentality now Terra. When you come up with an apology, maybe I'll consider talking to you again." As Solaria keeps walking forward, Terra backlashes at himself, cringing at himself before sighing and finding a console. Walking up to it, Terra finds a power box next to it. Opening it up, Terra finds a lever. Pulling it down, the console starts to turn on. Terra looks at the screen as it starts to boot up and gives some commands. After a little bit of basic commands, Terra gets the nearby generators to turn on, then the entire building starts to run with electricity as the lights start to turn on. Terra looks around, then tries to access more information in the console, but is stopped when asked for an administration password. Sighing, Terra turns around and slowly sinks to the floor, holding his hands to his face as he moans. Lowering both his hands and his head, he starts to think on what's happened within the past hour.

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