Chapter 38: Egg-sistential Crisis

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While Terra is resting with Sylveon and Solaria, something shuffles underneath the blankets, moving down the blankets until it stops at Terra's feet. The group stays immobile in bed until Terra feels something brushing his feet. Terra groans a little bit, waking up slightly.

"Sylveon... stop that...." Sylveon starts to wake up, blinking her eyes a little bit.

"What are you talking about?"

"I can feel you licking my feet." Terra said groggily. Solaria starts to stir as well as Sylveon looks at Terra.

"That's not me." Terra cracks his eyes open and turns his head to see Sylveon beside him. Confused, he turns around and sees Solaria waking up as well.

"But if it's not you, then who?" Terra pulls up the blankets to see what is licking his feet, only to spot a golden cat licking his feet. Terra goes silent, staring wide-eyed for several seconds.

"What is it Terra?" Sylveon looks under the blankets, then sees what Terra sees and gets the same look as Terra.

"What are you two getting so quiet abou-" Solaria looks under the sheets, then sees a golden Shinx underneath the blanket at Terra's feet. The Shinx stops, looking up at Terra, Solaria, and Sylveon, then grins as it chuckles.

"It's... a Shinx...." Sylveon said.

"A golden... Shinx...." Terra added.

"But how did a Shinx get in here from the wild unless-"

"Unless it's not from the wild." Solaria finished. The Shinx lunges forward, climbing over Terra and propelling itself off Terra's face and grabs his coat as it runs out his door. Terra is stunned by the move, leaving Solaria and Sylveon shocked as they see the Shinx run out the door. After Terra shakes off the vertigo, he looks out the doorway, then all three of them look at each other before looking back at the door and fumble over each other as they all try to get out of bed and make it towards the door.

Meanwhile in Zatel's rooms, Zatel, Rio and Luxray are all sleeping on the bed, as Gligar is laying on top of Zatel's face sleeping, his tongue hanging out his mouth, nearly reaching Zatel's ear. Rio is on his back, with his paw lazily laid over Luxray's snout. Some scratching noise is heard, as the door slowly creaks open, and the golden Shinx peaks in, and sees Rio and Luxray still laying on the bed with broken pieces of her egg scattered everywhere. She grins as she drops Terra's coat at the door, fearing the noise would wake them up before leaping on the bed, then carefully steps onto Rio's stomach feeling his chest expand and shrink, as Rio steadily breaths. Glancing around, she notices Zatel's belt hanging on the wall, then grins as she gets off Rio and manages to grab Zatel's belt in her mouth, then jumps back up on the bed and goes to Rio's left leg, slipping the belt around his thigh, then ties it around Luxray's back paw, making sure its tight enough that it won't slip.

"Rio... We should... name it... Lucy." Zatel says groggily, making the Shinx freeze as she waits for Zatel to fall back asleep. After a couple minute she relaxes as she gets back on Rio's stomach.

Now... how should I wake Dad up? The Shinx asks herself before looking below her at Rio's crotch before grinning deviously. Perfect. The Shinx then leaps up as high as she can, before landing back down on top of Rio's crotch with a thud, causing Rio's eyes to bolt open as he sits up and tries to scream out only for a high-pitched whisper to escape his mouth. Rio recovers enough to look down, and sees a golden Shinx eyeing him as it grins, then slowly walks up to him and licks Rio's snout

"Good morning Daddy." Shinx says before jumping onto his snout and leaping off his head onto Luxray's belly, bouncing off it like a small trampoline before bolting out the door, ducking under Terra's legs as he's busily picking up his coat.

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