Chapter 56: Trauma

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The next day, Solaria walks through the Pokémon Center, starting to relax seeing Rio and Luxray playing with all their kids except for Trixie. Solaria walks down the hallway as Trixie pokes her head out between the door to Terra's room. As she sees Solaria walking past, she lets out a small cry. Solaria's ear twitches, then turns towards the noise and sees Trixie.

"Trixie? Was that you?" Solaria questioned. Trixie nods her head. As Rio passes by, Trixie pulls her head back in a little, only showing her eyes as she indicates with her eyes for Solaria to come over. Solaria looks at Trixie confused, then walks into the room after pushing the door open enough.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need me to get someone to help you?" Trixie shakes her head as she scurries over to the bed jumping on it, while quickly lying next to Sylveon while she reads her book.

"...I'm not hurt just... just scared...." Trixie squeaks quietly, looking at Sylveon's ribbon as she places her two front paws on top it. Solaria looks at Trixie confused.

"Scared? Scared of what?" Trixie continues looking at Sylveon's ribbon as her voice starts to quiver.

"Z-Zatel... and R-R-Rio." Solaria's eyes widen in shock.

"What?! But... but why?!" Solaria starts to walk towards Trixie, climbing on the bed as well. Sylveon looks up from her book, seeing the light from the hallway blinding her slightly. She stretches one of her ribbons out enough and closes the door partially, blocking the light enough to where she can continue reading. Trixie shuffles as she leans her body against Solaria's, quivering a little.

"I... I saw... I saw what they did to Mommy..." Trixe sniffles, pressing her head against Solaria's leg. Solaria looks down at Trixie surprised, then tries to relax as she lets the air out of her lungs.

"You saw the fight that broke out, didn't you?" Trixie slowly nods her head.

"It... It was... terrifying... D-D-Dad was so scary! I'm scared he'd get that mad at me!" Trixie cries. Solaria wraps one of her tails around Trixie to help comfort her.

"Trixie, Rio's not going to get mad at you. He just lost control while fighting."

"But... I could see it in his eyes... he even kicked Mommy away like she meant nothing to him! What... what happens if he gets that angry again!? Will... will he try to kill me? Kill mommy again?" Trixie continues questioning as she buries her head into Solaria's side, encompassing her head in Solaria's fur. Solaria shakes her head fervently.

"No no no! Rio would never do such a thing!" Solaria said. "Rio wouldn't dream of hurting you much less want to kill you." Solaria takes a second before recomposing herself and trying to help comfort Trixie.

"Rio was just... misguided... by himself. He got mad, yes, but he wasn't mad at you. Just after what happened back in Team Nebula's base... they did some awful stuff to him, so he's trying to cope with all of it right now." Trixie removes her head before looking up at her.

"R-R-Really?" She sniffs. "What... what kind of awful stuff?" Solaria tries to think quickly before speaking.

"Has he tried apologizing to you and Luxray? I know Zatel had a hard time talking to Terra, not that Terra really helped with the process but I know Luxray went up to talk with him, or that's what Ruby told me when she wasn't asking one-hundred questions a minute."

"Yeah... she did. At least, go up to talk with Luxray. I... I don't know if he apologized though... I... I haven't had the chance to ask Mom..., I'm... I'm too afraid since R-Rio is always nearby... So... I've been hiding in here with Terra." Solaria lowers her head so she can look at Trixie face to face.

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