Chapter 31: Ghastly Encounters

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Both parties struggle as they attempt to accomplish what was set before them. Zatel came back, white, and winded from his defeat at the gym. Terra had successfully gotten time to himself after some help with Solaria. After two days pass, the group does what they need to prepare for the Hearthome City gym. Terra comes to terms with Tyranitar after both of them blow out some steam. A few hours later, the group stands outside the Hearthome City gym looking towards the entrance.

"Here it is... The Hearthome Gym." Zatel says, as he holds onto Rio's paw to help keep him calm. "I got destroyed by her last time. We were no match at all for her powerful ghost type Pokémon." Zatel comments.

"Not to mention you were as white as the bed sheets at the Pokémon Center." Terra added.

"If you saw what I saw, you would've turned completely white as well." Zatel retorts. Rio starts quivering a little as he remembers the day. "Well, were not getting any further by just stsanding here..." Zatel says taking a deep breath before stepping forward and opening the door, letting Rio walk in first then quickly following behind and holding onto his paw to keep his nerves calm. Terra walks in, slipping his hands in his pockets before walking in. The doors creak for a minute, then slam shut behind them. A tall man is waiting for them inside.

"Ah, welcome to the Hearthome Gym. You're here to challenge Fantina. Step right this way." The man says watching Terra come through then notices Zatel. "Oh! Are you here for a rematch?"

"Yes. and I will win this time." Zatel says confidently.

"Yes yes. Best of luck. If you would, step through this portal here." The man says as he indicates to a small circular pad on the ground with a green light emanating from it. Zatel looks at this then at Rio, then at Terra.

"Guess I'll see you there." Zatel says stepping onto the portal with Rio holding tightly onto his side as they both get teleported away. Terra looks at them, then looks at the man.

"I'm guessing I can't go the same way?" The man looks back at Terra then shakes his head.

"Nope, you'll have to take on the Gym challenge by navigating through a couple mazes while answering some questions." The tall, slender man says directing Terra over to a purple door that's barely tall enough for Terra to walk through. "You may start whenever you feel ready." Terra just sighs, then opens the door before seeing it's pitch black.

"You do realize that it's almost impossible to see in there, right?"

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot to give you a flashlight." The man turns around and grabs a flashlight out of a bag behind him, but as he turns back around, Terra has already released Monferno.

"Took care of it. See ya." Terra shuts the door, leaving the man standing there with a flashlight. Terra enters in with Monferno beside him, then uses the light from Monferno's tail to look around and see walls with a Duskull carving on them. He looks down at Monferno, smirking a bit.

"Looks like I'm gonna need you for this one." Monferno looks up at Terra, eyes wide, then starts hopping around him gleefully.

"I'M BEING USEFUL!" Terra just watches Monferno hop around, then chuckles a little bit before taking a few steps forward.

"Alright, come on buddy, quit monkeying around. We're gonna have to get through this maze if we wanna get to the gym leader." Monferno looks at Terra, then catches up to him before going a bit ahead. As he takes a few steps ahead of Terra, a pressure plate clicks, and a Gengar pops out of the ground and screeches loudly in Monferno's face. Monferno panics, flailing back until he hits the ground, then scratches his way back to Terra, where he proceeds to climb up him until he's hiding behind his back. The Gengar laughs, then fades away. Terra watches this, then looks at Monferno before looking back ahead.

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