Chapter 61: Recession

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Three months after the events on Mt. Coronet, Terra had been administered to the hospital, spending his time recovering from his broken leg. Zatel has spent most of the time in the hospital talking to Terra, while occasionally going out and helping Rio play with their kids as Luxray recuperates from laying yet another egg. Terra sits in the living room of his parents house with Sylveon and Nova, his leg healed from the time spent in the hospital. Terra reaches out with his new right arm and starts scratching Sylveon on the back of the head. She starts to purr, stretches, then lays down on Terra's lap. Nova looks over at Terra, then walks over before nuzzling his ribs. Terra looks down at Nova, then reaches down and starts scratching his neck. Nova stiffens, then immediately melts onto the couch, laying on his back as he starts to twitch from pleasure. Terra raises an eyebrow as he watches this.

"Does someone like being scratched there?" Nova looks at Terra as one of his back legs twitch.

Dad... don't tease me about this please.... Terra chuckles a little bit, rubbing his head some more.

"Relax Nova. After a little bit, you want to go outside and work on your abilities some more with Solaria?" Nova looks at Terra and nods his head.

Sure, so long as no one's watching. Terra sighs, then scratches Nova's neck again, causing him to spaz and squirm a little.

"I swear, are you trying to keep this a secret or something? It's not gonna stay that way forever."

"You shouldn't be afraid or feel you need to hide your powers." Zatel comments, not looking up as he stares at the egg in his arms for a minute longer, then looks up at Terra. "Though, that's not the only thing, if you really think you can keep the fact that Nova is your son from your mom forever, your wrong. One day, you'll have to confess about it you know? I haven't told her cause it's funny to watch you squirm and try to make up all sorts of excuses." Zatel chuckles getting a grin while eyeing Terra. Terra shoots his stare towards Zatel, narrowing his eyes to slits.

"You know what? Can it. I don't need you adding more pressure along with my mother. Do you know how many times she bursted in when I was about to fall asleep demanding to know where I got Nova? At this point, I'm doing this out of-" Before Terra can finish his sentence, the front door bursts open as Margaret comes through, spotting Terra with Zatel and the others.

"Are you going to tell me where you got that Espeon yet Terra?" Terra feels a vein throb on his head as he stares back.

"I told you already, I caught him." Nova looks at Terra for a minute, then starts thinking to himself.

He's not technically wrong....

"You can't just find an Espeon out in the wild Terra."

"Which is why I caught it as an Eevee!"

Again, not entirely wrong.... Margaret stares at Terra for several seconds before groaning a little bit.

"I swear Terra, you're as adamant as a Timburr holding onto its log." Terra stares at his mother for a second, then smirks.

"Wonder where I got that from." Margaret get a vein throbbing on her head as she looks back at Terra.

"You are not turning the tables on me young man." Terra just laughs a little bit as he grins.

"Want to prove me wrong? Go ahead. We'll see who outlasts who." Caesar pokes his head through the hallway, looking at Margaret.

"Margaret, could you come help me with-" Caesar stops, looking at the door and seeing that both the wooden and screen door are hanging by a hinge. Caesar sighs, then looks back at Margaret. "Can you come help me over here?" Margaret looks at Caesar, then back at Terra before walking off towards Caesar. Terra watches his mother walk off with a grin on his face as Sylveon looks at Terra, then starts to run Nova on the back of his head.

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