Chapter 27: A Shift in the Wind

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Zatel looks up one last time catching a final glimpse of the Braviery with Rio, Luxray and Terra, before sitting down on the ground his eyes stained with tears. As he sits there, Grotle and Heliolisk burst out of their pokéballs.


"Grotle?" Heliolisk and Grotle say as they look around, then quickly surround Zatel seeing him on the ground crying. "Grotle?" Zatel glances up at Grotle and Heliolisk, before letting out a heavy sigh.

"Rio's gone.... same with Terra and Luxray."

"LISK!?" Heliolisk says quickly looking around and noticing they're nowhere nearby. Only Solaria and Sylveon.

"Grot?!" Grotle says also glancing around.

"A Braviery came and picked them all up. And flew to who knows where." Zatel says looking defeated. "I'm afraid I'll never see him again..." Solaria and Sylveon are still looking into the forest. Solaria sees Zatel on the ground crying, then goes over towards him to help comfort him. Sylveon, still crying with tears hitting the ground. Sylveon starts to quake in place.

"Zatel, you can't think like that." Solaria said. "If I know Terra, he's probably doing, if not already has done something rash and got them grounded. If that did happen, then Rio's probably with him." Zatel raises his head and looks into Solaria's eyes, full of hope.

"R-r-Right... We... Just need to find them." Zatel says drying his tears as he stands up lifting Heliolisk into a rather tight hug.

"HEl...i...o!" Heliolisk slowly cries out until Zatel realizes he choking her and stops squeezing so hard.

"Sorry about that... Just.... I need you with me right now." Zatel says quickly apologizing before looking back at Solaria. "Thanks Solaria... You're right, I'm sure Rio's safe with Terra." Sylveon continues to quake, then her hair starts to stick up straight as she looks forward, baring her teeth as she starts to walk where the Braviary flew. Solaria catches Sylveon moving to the forest, then turns her head to look at her.

"Sylveon, where are you going?" Sylveon stops, then turns her head to look at Solaria and the group.

"I'm not going to sit idly and watch some bird who thinks they've got a bigger brain than an Electrode snatch Terra away from me! Terra's too stubborn to die! I'm going after him right now, with or without help, and if Terra hasn't already ripped that things beak off I WILL RIP IT OFF AND PLUNGE IT INTO ITS HEART!" Without another word, Sylveon starts into a full sprint into the woods. Zatel, Grotle, and Heliolisk look at Sylveon slightly terrified.

"Guess were following Sylveon." Zatel says walking behind Sylveon, making sure to keep a safe enough distance away from feeling Sylveon's blistering rage. "By the way Solaria... What did she just say?" Solaria just keeps her eyes on Sylveon as she keeps running around.

"I... don't know if you'd handle it well." Solaria responded. "She got a bit... graphic... with her rant...." Zatel looks back at Sylveon even more concerned.

"To be honest, I don't blame her, I would probably want to do the same if I weren't so concerned with Rio's safety." Zatel says while still holding onto Heliolisk and petting her repeatedly trying to keep his nerves calm.

"A part of me wonders how long it'll take for Terra to realize that he has a flying Pokémon and try to send it out to look for us." Solaria commented. "Even if he doesn't, he'll find his way back.... Hopefully."

"I hope so, cause I don't know what I'll do if I can't find Rio." Zatel says his voice quivering. Grotle follows besides him looking to the sides of the forest for any signs of Rio. "How are you holding up Solaria? I mean... wouldn't this be your second time being separated from Terra?" Solaria looks at Zatel, then back forward to keep track of Sylveon.

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