Chapter 15: Maylene

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After a few hours go by, Rio groggily gets up from sleeping.

"Are... you awake Zatel?" Zatel doesn't respond for a few moments.

"I... am now... What it is Rio?" Zatel yawns opening his eyes he looks at Rio's red eyes.

"Do you mind... If we go to Maylene's gym and just watch her battle?" Rio asks.

"Why...? And!!" Zatel gags coughing a little as he smells RIo's terrible dog breath. "I'll tell you this, first we're brushing your teeth. Your breath smells like you've eaten ten packs of Tuna." Rio turns his head so he's not facing Zatel before continuing.

"Sorry... I got hungry and found some more chicken, though I think it had gone bad..." Rio says apologetically "I talked with Solaria, and she recommended how before I should even try to use Aura Sphere, is to understand what Aura is, and learn by watching or observing others use it first."

"So you're wanting to watch Maylene's Lucario battle other challengers then right?" Zatel says catching onto Rio's idea.

"Yeah, that's about the jest of it." Rio looks over and notices Helioptile and Grotle still sleeping.

"Did Solaria tell you anything else?" Zatel asks.

"Yeah, she did but I'll tell you all about it later, I'm surprised she was able to speak telepathically as well, and how vastly different battle style she has then Terra's."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. The Ninetales can speak telepathically?!" Zatel asks completely taken off guard. Rio just nods his head. "I'll admit did not see that one coming."

"Me neither, but she seems really nice. I hope we can talk more later." Terra comes from upstairs with Sylveon on his back and Solaria following him.

"Can you please get off my back?"

"Eon!" Terra groans, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

"Why did I have to get a Pokémon that always has to be stubborn?" Solaria and Terra look over at Zatel and Rio. "Oh, you guys were out too?" Sylveon grabs on to Terra's neck a little tighter and starts purring. Terra, despite getting a little red, tries to ignore it. Zatel perks his head up turning it in the direction he heard Terra's voice coming from the stairway.

"Yeah we we're... at least I was. I was out like a power outage.... That battle drained much more energy out of me than I thought it would. Unlike my other battles, guess it was just that heated." Zatel answers. Rio looks over then stops as he makes eye contact with Solaria. Terra goes to speak, but then gets interrupted as Sylveon starts nuzzling his head. Terra cringes, looking back at Sylveon, then looks down at Solaria.

"A little help here?" Solaria looks up at Terra and shakes her head. "What do you mean no?!" Terra just groans, then looks back at Zatel, letting out a large sigh as he attempts to recompose himself.

"Look, I know it's late, but I'm going to get some stress out, and the only way I can do that is by battling. So I'm going to fight that gym leader since she's so adamant on battling me." Rio quickly stands up.

"Can we come with you? I've been wanting to observe how Maylene's Lucario battles...." Rio says. Terra looks at Rio confused.

"Didn't you win your battle? Or was that you lying face first in the ground?" Solaria brings up one of her tails and slaps Terra in the back of the head. Terra flinches, stumbling forward and rubbing the back of his head while turning towards Solaria. "OW!" Rio gives a quick grateful smile to Solaria.

"No... I didn't win that battle..." Rio says briefly. "So I want to observe how that Lucario battles."

"I'm sure we'll win next time though." Zatel jumps in, slowly standing up. Terra looks at them, then indicates the door.

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