Chapter 42: The Long Journey

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Entering Jubilife City after a day and a half of travel, Zatel, Terra, Solaria, Luxray, and Sylveon all walk into the city, avoiding some crowds as they made their way towards the Pokémon Center, not a lot of talking going on in between the time it took to get to Jubilife City. Sylveon holds on to Terra's arm while Solaria keeps an eye on him. Luxray continues to look away from Zatel while he gazes at the ground still depressed about losing Rio. Terra guides the group along, then they all proceed towards the Pokémon Center. Sylveon looks up at Terra, then at the others and groans.

"Come on... why won't anyone say anything? It's getting unnerving and it's killing the mood for practically everything! I'm not just talking about cuddling time either!" The group stays silent, but Solaria looks at Sylveon.

"I just don't think it's the right time right now. After what happened yesterday, everyone is a bit... perturbed at the moment."

"But it's not going to get any better if we just stay silent about it! We're supposed to be communicating and come together, aren't we?" Solaria just groans softly as they all enter the Pokémon Center.

"Everyone just needs time. Some need it alone, some need it with others." Nurse Joy looks up, seeing Zatel before recognizing him and Terra.

"Oh, hello again. Is there anything-"

"We just need a room for a while." Terra interrupts. "Please, things are a bit... tense... as of lately...." Nurse Joy looks at the group, nodding her head and indicates to the right.

"The rooms on the right are all clear if you need to rest for the night."

"We won't be that long." Zatel answers quietly. As Zatel and the others walk through the hallway, Sylveon growls a little bit, then tightens her grip on Terra as she pulls on him, making him stagger for a second before he catches himself by grabbing onto the doorframe.

"Sylveon, what are you doing?!"

"I'm taking the gloom out of this situation, whether you like it or not! Now get in here so I can help you relax!" Sylveon pulls harder, tearing Terra's grip from the doorway. Solaria looks at the doorway and hears an audible smack against the wall, followed by a groan. Sighing, she walks up to the doorway, then looks back at Zatel and Luxray.

"I'll go through town and make sure we have what we need to keep going. I'll be back in a few minutes, then we can go on to Oreburgh City." Solaria walks into the room, grabbing Terra's backpack on the ground before taking out some items, then walking out with a smaller bag and closing the door behind her. Zatel nods his head, then walks to a door a few rooms away from Terra's room as he enters it, closing the door behind Luxray. He slips his pack off, letting it land on the floor with a thud as he sits on the edge of the bed, staring down at the ground, Luxray comes over than jumps onto the bed, and lays down behind Zatel.

"Luxray." Zatel whimpered after a few minutes of silence. "Luxray..." Zatel whimpers louder, Luxray perks her head up a little glaring at Zatel.

What does he want? Luxray murmurs.

"Luxray.... Please, I need to talk to you." Zatel pleads turning to Luxray.

And how do you expect to do that? Luxray growls. You can't even understand me.

"Luxray.... I.... I can hear you." Zatel admits locking eyes with Luxray as she looks at Zatel surprised.

"No you can't!" Luxray contests.

"I... I can hear your thoughts... Please Luxray, I need. To talk to you." Zatel pleads again as Luxray growls a little agitated.

"Great... if you really can, what is it you want to talk about?" Luxray jokes not believing Zatel.

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