Hearing Gary's chuckle I knew I had done my bit.

A short while later we reach the hotel I notice Jenny and Looker loading their items in a large SUV along with other agents.

Slightly alarmed of the scene unknowing what to think I ran up Jenny. She glanced up and saw us heading over and she met us half way.

"I was beginning to wonder where you boys went!" Jenny says as her face beams happily.

"Uhh... Whats going on?" Gary asks staring at the scene.

"Well... We aren't needed anymore. You're officially out of witness protection because confirmation of Giovanni's death came a little while ago. In fact I wanted to tell you both face to face rather than over the phone. Our flight leaves in an hour heading back to Unova. So unfortunately this is goodbye." Jenny finishes sadly smiling. "So you best go and marry that girl Ash! If I find out you hurt her then you will be having me to deal with! Same goes for you 'Mr Alola lock up your daughters coz Gary Oak is here' You look after that girl upstairs now you hear!?" She stated in her playful motherly voice, seeing her lips tremble it began feeling that this moment was never going to happen.

Gary and I both stood there dumbfounded. 'It's really over?'

''We can really go home?'

For the first time in years I genuinely felt a whole weight being lifted from my shoulders, all this negative feelings, thoughts and worry suddenly dissipated. Instinctively I pulled Jenny into a fiercely tight heartwarming embrace. My eyes stinging with tears threatening to fall, my breath caught in my throat I choked up. Feeling a pair of arms wrap round my broad back reciprocating I suddenly broke down, my knees buckled, barely able to keep me standing we both collapsed to the ground it was then my tears never stopped.

"Shhhh, it's over Ash. I know. I promise you it's over. He won't hurt you again." Jenny smiled comforting Ash.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything." I managed to whisper.

Feeling slightly embarrassed but comforted all the same. I looked to see Serena standing outside with Lillie watching the scene. Her face beamed happily knowing the news crying herself, I released Jenny running over and scooping Serena up in my arms spinning us round. A blissful moment enveloped us like we were the only ones there, setting her gently down gliding my hands cupping her face. Her azure eyes filled with tears of joy because mine were, my thumb brush lightly against her lips sending a rosy pink blush across her features closing the gap between us kissing her passionately to my joy she glides her arms round my neck deepening the kiss.

Reluctantly after parting, my gaze never breaking I asked softly "So this is what you wanted to tell me huh?"

"Hm... Hm yeah it was. We can go home now Ash. It's finally over we can live in peace now." Serena happily said. "There was one more thing I wanted to tell you... I-"

"Lillie?!" Someone asked quietly.

Everyones attention was diverted to the sound of a deep concerned and relieved voice. I glance over to Lillie who appeared to be bewildered by who the voice belong too. Just like second nature an old habit came over me, releasing Serena, taking her hand I dragged us over to Lillie making sure I stood between her and the mystery guy.

'I don't fucking think so. You're not going to ruin this moment for me.'

The guy looked annoyed and begun agressivly saying "Get the fuck out of my way!" The guy with blonde hair similar to Lillie's wearing dark blue jeans a light grey top with a brown jacket.

"Ain't gonna happen. Who are you?" I replied calmly threatening much to his irritation. I noticed surrounding us was Gary, Jenny and Looker there ready to diffuse the situation.

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