Two Foxes

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Stiles went home, telling the school he was sick, with how pale he looked at the moment he could see why they had no objections. He spend most of the day in bed, just waiting for tomorrow, his mind still wrecked with worry.

His Dad drove him to the basement they had used last time. Stiles was thankful after a few unsuccessful requests to help his father left him alone, the looks from his father were triggering his anger to take hold of him once more.

Thankfully after his father left him alone, the anger started to fade once he had nothing to direct it at.

Apart from himself of course.

Stiles looked at the chains that they had used last time, pulling them with every ounce of his strength, he needed to see if they could-


Stiles let out a startled yelp as he fell forward, the chains breaking under the strain.

Stiles sat where he had fell, staring at the loose chains in his hands. They were a heavy weight and yet...

And yet!

Stiles let out a growl of frustration.


He startled a bit as Malia poked her head around the basement door.

He felt relieved to see her but that didn't stop the frustration building from what had just happened.

Her eyes widened slightly as she took in the broken chain in his grip.

"I think we're going to need stronger chains" Stiles muttered.

Malia raised her eyes brows in surprise at what he'd been able to do.

Those chains were meant to be able to stop a car from moving!

"It seems so" She said and added with a helpful smile "I'll go and buy some stronger chains I'll make it a school project or something so they don't ask to many questions"

"Good idea" Stiles said, thinking with a little amusement what the shop owner think if she didn't have a cover story.

Once Malia left, Kira appeared about half an hour later, saying her parents had been acting strangely and she'd been trying to get something out of them to no avail.

"Do they know you're here?"

She shook her head "Though my mum is fine with Werefox's and Nogitsune, I think she'd have a little bit of a problem if she realised I was with you on the full moon though I guess that would be true for any new were-creature"

"I guess that makes sense, you don't have to be here you know? Especially when the full moon starts to properly effect me" He winced as he said "I still remember what I said to you last time"

Kira said teasingly "Maybe we should invest in some duck tape instead of chains"

"Kira-" Stiles said, surprised at how lightly she was taking it but she interrupted him firmly.

"I don't blame you at all for what you said. It did hurt at the time but I know you weren't in true control over yourselves. Why would I blame you for something you couldn't and can't control?"

Stiles stared at her for a couple of seconds then said slowly "Has anyone told you that no one truly deserves you?"

Kira chuckled as she said playfully "On occasion"

It just felt so natural to talk to Kira, his new supernatural instincts felt at ease and relaxed, while talking to Scott always made him feel a little tense. Stiles supposed that was because Scott was an Alpha wolf so he'd have to get used to that feeling when he was with Scott and just ignore it.

But with Kira and Malia, even with Kyle, he just felt something that he rarely felt these days.

He felt calm.

Hello! Hope you enjoy this chapter and hope you are starting safe! Stalia next chapter, in case you don't like Stalia ,warning for next chapter though and not reading it don't effect the plot. Anyhow hope you all have a good week! x

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