Chapter 53: concerned

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~joshs pov~
I came out of the shower and changed into a pair of sweatpants. I didn't bother putting a shirt on because it was pretty hot in my room. I walked out of my bathroom to see my beautiful little princess asleep.

Something is off. Why are her eyes puffy.

I looked at her for a second, trying to figure this out. Did I do something? No, it can't be. I just look at her for a bit and notice my hoodie she was wearing had water marks on it. She was crying.

I tried to think about what could've made her upset. No one is home besides us so that can't be it. I decided I should see if it was something on her phone. Yes, it was a little nosy but I want to make sure my princess is ok. I picked up her phone carefully trying not to wake her up. Once I got it I put in the passcode and immediately tiktok was open.

I noticed the page she had opened was a hate account on her. This isn't good. At all. I scrolled through the page to see what this person had to say. Some of them said I could've done better at choosing a girlfriend, which by the way.. I disagree. Some called her a slut, which she's not. And the rest were just plain old hate. That's the dark truth about tiktok clout.

You could have some amazing supporters yet some pretty bad hate. By the looks of what was on this page, Nicole got it bad. She's never done anything wrong. She is the most amazing girlfriend anyone could ask for. I looked at some of the comments on one of the posts and Nicole commented that she was a waste of space in the world.

My heart dropped. I feel horrible that she's going through this. I know how she is, "I will handle it myself" that's just Nicole. She is a very independent girl who isn't gonna take anyone's shit. I love that about her. I slowly set her phone down where she had it and pulled her close to me.

She snuggled into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. While she was just laying there I noticed I accidentally left a couple hickeys on her neck from before.. whoops. I brushed her hair off of her face and fell asleep cuddled with her.

-next morning-
It's the next morning, I woke up at around 10am and Nicole hasn't woken up yet. Well actually never mind, she's waking up now. I kissed her cheek and said "mornin princess." She just smiled at me. She's not really a morning person. I could tell in her eyes that those posts from last night were bothering her.

"You ok princess?" I asked mostly concerned. "Mhm.. perfectly fine. Why?" I gave her a look.. sorta telling her I knew what was going on. She just sighed a little bit and said "you saw the posts didn't you.." I just nodded and said "don't let those get to you. We all have them, your is pretty bad though not gonna lie. But hey, we are in this together. They hate on you, they can hate on me too. But my hate isn't allowed to hate on you." She giggled. She has the cutest laugh.

"Joshy I'm gonna go use the bathroom.. I will be right back." I nodded and watched as she slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. As soon as the door shut I heard her crying. I don't want her to do anything stupid so I got out of bed and knocked on the door.

"Princess you ok?" She didn't say a word. Finally she responded a few seconds later "I-I'm fine. But they're right." This is just breaking my heart. My girlfriend is falling apart right now because of some assholes on the internet. I heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on. She cane out a free seconds later and sat on the bed crying.

I sat down beside her and rubbed her back while saying "everything will be ok, just let it all out." I sat there comforting her for a good couple of minutes. "B-but why me.." she said with tears streaming down her face. "Princess they're just jealous. You are so loved by many people. Your brothers, me, jaden, the team, Charli, shall I go on?" I noticed a small smile form on her face. That's good, right?

We sat there for an hour, just taking. "So what do you wanna do today princess?" I asked trying fo boost her mood up more. "I don't know.. let's go somewhere." I smiled and said "well, where are we going then? Your choice." She smiled. Ugh her smile is adorable. "Let's go to the mall." I smiled and said "ok go get changed. You can wear my clothes or yours." She smiled at me while saying "I might wear mine today. I don't wanna go to the mall looking like I just woke up." I laughed a little and kissed her. She pulled away and went into the bathroom to change while I changed in my room.

A/N: it's currently 3:54am where i live rn so last chapter for the night, I will try to post a couple tomorrow and I also have a new story idea in mind since i might not do the other one I mentioned a couple chapters back.

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