Chapter 7: Practice

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I got onto field and almost instantly all eyes were on me. They looked at me like they've never seen a girl before so I said "you need something?" Someone said "yeah, you off the team." Coach wasn't out yet so he didn't hear. You just rolled your eyes at the kid and waited for Coach. Eventually he came out and said "everyone we are gonna do a scrimmage so get in a position, I don't really care which one. But, Nicole I want you as quarterback so I can see if your any good." I just nodded and did as I was told. Some other kid said "Coach she's not good though. Just kick her off." Coach said "if you don't shut it I will kick you off chase." Once all the boys got overs their little thing about me being on the team they finally got into position.

I was doing pretty well if you ask me. I have gotten a bunch of points, haven't been tackled once, but no one would talk to me. Coach noticed and said "ok everyone here." We all went over to Coach and he said "everyone in the boys locker room. You too nicole." Why does he want me in the locker room with everyone. One, ew no thanks. Two, these boys hate me. I looked to Coach and said "me too? Really?" Coach said "yup everyone in." You all did as he said and went inside and heard the doors lock. Coach was outside and said "ok now all of you get used to each other, your teammates not enemies."

He locked us in. I'm stuck in a stinky room full of boys. Could this get any worse. Oh god, I forgot my phone in my gym locker.. never mind this is probably as bad as it will get. The boys all talked and just ignored I was there. I didn't really care, I didn't want to talk to them. Of course someone had to talk to me though. "So Nicole why are you still here. Football is a boys sport." I hate when people say that. Why does it even matter. "Why am I here? Because football is my favorite sport and I've been playing since I could remember and last time I checked, there wasn't a rule saying I couldn't play." Josh said "I don't understand why yo ur here though. So what you can catch and throw a ball. It's not hard." I just laughed.

"Yeah it's not hard. You guys found out a way to make it hard though. You guys can barely catch a ball. And your aim, you could all use some practice." Too far Nicole, way too far. Now they will definitely hate you. I expected to get like roasted or attacked for saying that but instead they all laughed. Not a making fun of me laugh but a genuine real laugh. Was I being funny? "Nicole you aren't too bad. So if you want us to accept you here you gotta tell us about you. We know everything about eachother and we will tell you everything if you tell us everything." I did not like the sound of that. I debated if I should tell them or not but eventually decided to.

unexpected decision. ||Josh Richards||Where stories live. Discover now