Chapter 40: the final signature

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When I got home I went inside of the house and saw Bryce and tayler has some friends over. Unfortunately they already signed it. I sat in the couch next to tayler and showed him the list and his eyes went wide when he saw our mom signed it. "Why the hell is her name on there?" I said "I honestly don't know. She saw me getting signatures and asked what it was for. I said to prove our parents wrong and she smiled then signed it." Bryce said "oh..?" I laughed a little and said "I need one more signature.. any ideas?" Tayler said "how about Joshs dad?"

Is he being serious? "No way. That man hates me." Bryce said "the damelios?" "Already got them. Ugh the next game is tomorrow and it's against a tough team that we could lose if I'm not there." Tayler then said "call josh and see if he can figure out anyone. He knows a lot of people." I laughed and said "ok, thanks." They nodded and I went to my room to call josh.

N: hey baby
J: hey princess what's up? Get the sjgnatures?
N: mostly yeah. I need one more, and idea who I can ask?
J: well.. I can ask-

Josh was interrupted by someone yelling, probably his dad. All I heard was his dad sat "who are you talking to?! Is it that little whore again?! I told you no more."

N: s-sorry.. you go handle your dad, I can call later.
J: no wait-

I hung up. Mostly because I knew he was talking about me. I love josh a lot but its hard knowing this dad doesn't approve of me. I decided to call Charli. Maybe she knows someone who could sign it. When I called I could hear someone in the backround.

N: Char I need one more signature!
C: omg!! I have the perfect person! Come over here right now.
N: ok char see you soon
C: ok Bebe

I got the paper and decided to bring Baxter with me just for fun. I went down the stairs and said "I will be back, I'm going to charlis!" Tayler said "ok be careful." I nodded and ran out. I got in the car and set Baxter in the passengers seat while I drove. I played some fun music and got there a couple minutes later.

I got out of my car and walked towards the front door. Charli opened it and my face blew up when I saw who she meant. Charlis cousin Gemma was there. I ran and hugged Gemma and said "Gemma! Omg I haven't seen you in forever!" She laughed and said "hey Nikki. So where do I sign?" I smiled and gave her the paper and she signed it. Finally, I got my 100th signature! I can play tomorrow ! Charli took Baxter from me and said "ok so, now what?" I smiled and said "I give this to Coach tomorrow, he checks it, then I get to play in the game! Senior year almost got ruined there." Charli laughed and said "girly did you get your homecoming dress yet?"

Omg. I forgot about homecoming. Josh asked me like last week. "I-I forgot about homecoming.. and apparently I'm nominated for homecoming queen. Uh oh." Charli laughed and said "so here's what We are going to do. After your game tomorrow, we are gonna go to the dress shop and get us some cute dresses since homecoming is in two days." My eyes went wide. Thank god Charli reminded me about that. "Ok sure. I gotta go. Gemma nice seeing you again, Charli give me my dog." We all laughed and Charli handed me Baxter and I hugged them both goodbye and went home.

When I walked In I smiled and said "I GOT ALL THE SIGNATURES!!" My brothers smiled and Bryce said "awesome! Now go to bed, it's late and you have a game to play in tomorrow." I smiled and went up to my room. I put my signatures down on my desk and went into the bathroom. I took a nice hot shower  and changed into some comfortable clothes, then went to sleep with Baxter curled in a ball next to me.

unexpected decision. ||Josh Richards||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن