Chapter 14: new student

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Ugh here we go again. My alarm. I might've hit snooze a couple times but I know for real I have to get up now. I shut off the annoying sound of my alarm and got out of bed. It was still pretty early so I straightened my hair and got dressed into this:

I knew for sure I was going to get dress coded for this but it's never bad to take a risk right? Well anyways once I finished getting ready I remembered about the bruise so quickly covered that up

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I knew for sure I was going to get dress coded for this but it's never bad to take a risk right? Well anyways once I finished getting ready I remembered about the bruise so quickly covered that up. Once I finished I went downstairs to my brothers for our usual morning talk or whatever you wanna call it.

"Nik no way your wearing that" Tayler said. He was always more over protective of me than Bryce. Whenever tayler would be out of town doing whatever he does, like visiting friends, me and Bryce would break every rule. I'm talking drinking, parties, and one time smoking but I hated that. Me and Bryce always had fun together until tayler found out about it. Now he won't leave us alone, especially since mom and dad are back around. "Why tayler, I'm wearing this." He said "your going to get dress coded. Go change please, at least the shirt." Finally I gave in and did as he said, I changed my shirt to a grey champion hoodie.

Once I came down tayler said "better. Now let's go." Me Bryce and tayler got in the car and drove to school. I was expecting a normal day, me and the team just goofing around and having fun, Charli being her normal goofy self.. the usual. I went to my locker and Charli came to me looking pretty Mad. She said "she's back." I said "what? Who?" "Loren. She's back. She's coming here for school." My heart dropped. Loren was the biggest bully, especially to me until she suddenly just disappeared. I had hoped SHES stay away for good but apparently she's back. Charli said "and to add on, she's all over josh." I did not like that. I grabbed my books and went to joshs locker. Sure enough, the team and Loren were standing there.

I tried to play it cool. I went to josh and he gave me the biggest hug, like he was relieved. He whispered to me "this girl won't leave." I laughed a little and Loren said "mhm.. Nicole!" "What do you want Loren." Anthony said "you know her?" Did I want to put Loren on the spot? You bet I do. "Loren here has bullied me for a while now till she disappeared." The boys all gave her a dirty look and she said "so what your hanging around the football boys thinking your all it? Just you wait and see what I have in store for you Nicole Louise Hall." Yes, my middle name is Louise. I don't like it but Loren loves to make fun of me for it. I don't know what her problem was. Josh said "well  I don't think you know, Nicole here is probably the most popular girl around right now."

Loren laughed her evil little laugh and said "oh well is that so. How is she popular, she looked like a diseased mole." She wasn't wrong, I am pretty ugly but she wasn't any better. She hides it all under her 10 pounds of makeup. Griff said "ok maybe you should go Loren." She laughed and said "just the facts losers." I've had enough. I'm about to go off. Before I could do anything josh held me tighter and whispered "your not going anywhere. We cannot have you hurt for the season young lady." I laughed just because I loved how much josh cared. Loren finally left us alone and we went to class.

While me and josh were walking to class josh said "so date night tonight?" How cute, he wanted to go on a date. "I would love that." Josh said "ok so I was thinking movies, pool, and whatever else at my place. I can pick you up later." I smiled. This sounds actually really fun. "Sounds like a plan."

unexpected decision. ||Josh Richards||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora