Chapter 9: Whos there?

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I turned around towards where my name was being called from. Just who I obviously wanted to see, my abusive ex boyfriend Jackson. I backed away and said "what Jackson." He said "I missed you baby. Come here and gimme a hug." I said "absolutely not. I thought I told you to leave me alone." He just laughed and me. What was this a joke or something?! "Baby I'm not going away that easily. Now get over here!" I didn't know what to do. He was coming towards me looking pretty angry so I did what I usually did, run. Of course Jackson being the person he is chased me but j just wanted him away from me. Is it that hard to leave someone alone!

As I ran I heard someone else say my name. I was still running from Jackson and slight turned my head to see who it was and I saw josh. He said "get in, you ok? Need a ride?" Before I could say anything Jackson caught up to me and hit me. Josh saw me on the ground and got out of the car to help me up. Before he did he said to Jackson "what's your deal man just leave her alone." Jackson said to him "well I was checking on her because she's my girlfriend." I picked you head up and said "no I'm not Jackson. I left you for a reason. Now just go away." Jackson walked off and josh immediately helped me up.

"Nicole you didn't tell your whole story did you." I shook my head no. "I didn't want to.. you guys would just feel bad and treat me differently. I guess I probably should've.. but I'd it ok if I just tel you, for now?" Josh shook his head yes as he drove me home. Is said to him "so before my parents left I was dating Jackson. It had always been a toxic relationship and every time I would mention breaking up he would hurt me so I just stopped. That was until I've had enough of his bull shit. I went up to him and I told him we were breaking up. Next thing I knew I was in the hospital with a concussion. My family never found out either and I don't want them to because my brothers will just be more over protective then they are already." Josh said "well I'm sorry. That Jackson kid did not deserve you."

When he said that I got butterflies in my stomach. It just made me happy that I found someone to talk to and be real with besides charli. Maybe being the only girl in the team was a good thing. It's like having even more brothers. Besides josh, he's different and I don't know what it is about him but I actually kinda like him.. maybe a lot. I haven't decided yet.

When we got to my house josh said "if you need help dealing with that jerk let me know alright?" I smiled at him. "Yeah, and thanks for helping me by the way." "No problem, teammates gotta be there for each other. Especially when it's the cute new girl." Did he call me cute?! Omg omg omg! Ok nicole stop freaking out. "Well thanks, cute tall boy." Josh just laughed at me but in a cute way and said "now get out, I don't need your brothers coming to beat me up for taking you home." Josh was right. If my brothers knew about me brewing with a boy they would come and attack either me or them. If it was me they would be gentle, but the boy.. not so much.

I did ask josh said and got out of the car and went inside. The boys were passed out asleep on the couch so I snuck past them and went to my room. I changed into some comfy pajamas as usual and went to bed because unfortunately, we had school once again tomorrow.

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