A Note on the Ending

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A/n in light of the shipping war currently going on over the Legend of Korra finale, I felt the need to put my opinion down. If you STILL haven't seen the finale, turn back now. Go watch it, then come back and listen to me rant and rave.

Also, I kinda swore a little because I couldn't help myself. If you're allergic to the fuck word don't read to the end.

The Korrasami ending was left open to the imagination. Frankly, I saw it coming a mile away. I've been taking note of how close Korra and Asami seemed to be growing since Book 3. While my personal opinion is that there's no way possible it isn't canon, (best friends don't hold BOTH hands and stare lovingly into each other's eyes while they go on a vacation for two) some people see it differently. If you want to interpret it as "oh they're just best bros" knock yourself out. That's not the thing that's seriously annoying me about this.

What ticks me off is the people who say it had no buildup. Like, where have you been? A good size of book 3 was Korra and Asami being badasses and doing their own thing without the guys, and then there's a three year gap, part of which Asami is nursing Korra back to health. It's my firm belief that Asami's feelings towards Korra shift from strictly friendship around the time she starts taking care of her, and really start to develop as more romantic feelings towards the end of the Book 3 finale. (The way she talks to her and looks at her and holds her hand, I think there's something there. For me, that's when it became canon, at least on Asami's half.)
And then Book 4 shows us some mild flirting ("nice hair!" "Thanks, *blushes* you're looking snazzy yourself") and the flashback episode, in which Asami is there to assure Korra that she doesn't completely suck at her job. (Yeah, let's bring the Water Tribe chick who wears tank tops all the time tea on a sunny evening because "she might be cold") Sure, friends could do that, but love interests can too. We also must acknowledge the fact that Asami is the only one Korra wrote to. Again, this doesn't have to be viewed as romantic, but it also doesn't have to be viewed as strictly friendship. And the way it's set up, all of it, it shows how Korra and Asami are forging a special bond through all this. It can all be interpreted different ways, but it's there. Therefore, is it that hard to believe that, come the finale, they might be developing feelings for each other? I mean I'm not claiming they're deeply in love here, but is it that far-fetched to believe they may be crushing?

I also think it's very conveniently timed, after all the other characters have had the little defining character arc moment. Asami is saved for last, although she could have switched places with Mako and gone after Wu. That would've left Korra and Mako open to their little heart-to-heart at the end and Korra could go on her little vacation alone. If they aren't a couple as people say they aren't, that would still be an ending focusing more on friendship and stuff than romance because Korra and Mako are basically settling all the awkward stuff that went down in the past and saying "we're not gonna let that ruin out friendship" AND the Makorra shippers would get their little "it could still be canon!" Moment while the Korrasami shippers (if the speeches remain the same and only trade places) would be able to say "hey we could be canon too!" As the Makorra shippers do now. Or, if we keep the actual ending, rather than take Asami's hands into her own and gaze into her eyes, they could've just, oh I don't know, walked straight into the portal like normal friends? I'm pretty sure I don't just stand their holding my best friend's or even my sister's hands and stare lovingly into their eyes. Maybe I'm just weird but I'm pretty sure sisterly best friend love doesn't do that.

The fact that they didn't kiss, though, leaves all of this open to interpretation. You could say that they're just weird like that and nobody could prove you wrong. I believe that Bryke set all of this up deliberately to convey the "yeah they bi as fuck" message. That's just how I'm reading the overall scenario, both reading into the show as a whole and focusing on the one part with no prior background knowledge. To me it looks like that no matter how you turn it. But no matter what you say, you can't tell me it was rushed or out of nowhere, because it wasn't. It's been there this whole time, you just had to see it. Even with all the evidence I've provided, you could still say they're just really good friends because the hints are rather subtle, and the gestures we're given could be interpreted as friendship or romantic interest. That's perfectly fine. Either way though, there's a pretty powerful bond here that's been developing since book 3. None of this came out of nowhere.

Bottom line: whether you say they're just friends (sure they are) or romantically involved, you can't say there was no buildup. The buildup was abundant no matter how you took it.

Okay, now that I've shared my opinions and quite possibly pissed some people off, I have a prompt to write. See ya!

(Look at that picture though in what UNIVERSE is that straight best friend behavior? Honestly I wanna know. I literally fail to see how that isn't gay as fuck.)


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