Because of a Swordfight (Zukka)

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A/n alright, I suppose I'm taking prompts again.
This one is Zukka for @Darkened_heartsx2x




"You know, you don't have to keep avoiding me."

Zuko cringed at the words. They'd figured him out. Not that it hadn't been painstakingly obvious.

With great reluctance he turned, not at all looking forward to this confrontation. There stood Sokka, eyebrow raised and arms crossed. He wore only swim trunks and his sword, a gift from Zuko to replace his Space Sword and the cause of their current dilemma.

"Um...I'm not avoiding you..." Zuko stuttered, unsure of how to handle this situation. Sokka smirked.

"Right. And I'm a firebender. If we don't talk about what happened, things are going to be very awkward for a very long time. So let's just rip the leech off now, while we're alone. Alright?"

Zuko sighed. He supposed Sokka was right, although that didn't make him any more enthusiastic about this.

"Fine..." he grumbled. Sokka grinned.

"Good. Now, let's start from the beginning, shall we? You kissed me."

Oh spirits, it sounded even worse when he said it out loud. Zuko winced. A few days prior, as the gang took a much-needed vacation on Kyoshi island for Sokka's birthday, Zuko had presented him with a new sword. Of course, Sokka had immediately wanted to try it out, so the two of them had a sword fight, which ended with Zuko straddling Sokka, double blades crossed against his throat. In the sweat and blood and heavy breathing of the moment, he'd pressed their lips together without thinking. Shortly after he'd thrown himself off and taken off across the beach, ignoring the calls of his friends. Now, roughly three days later, here they were. It was a rather cool evening, and evidently they both had the idea to go for a stroll. Sokka's bare torso gleamed in the moonlight, and a fresh tattoo wrapped around his bicep. Zuko found himself staring.

"So, was it post-swordfight adrenaline, or...what?" Sokka asked, snapping the Firelord from his trance. If he was honest, no. He'd actually been having some rather confusing thoughts about Sokka for awhile now. But was it safe to confess to that?

Zuko found himself shaking his head. Oh spirits, why did he let himself do that?
Sokka took a step forward.

"Then... what was it?"

Blushing, Zuko averted his eyes. Sokka closed the distance between them and grabbed him by the jaw, forcing him to meet his eyes.

"You like me, don't you?" He asked.

Zuko tried not to, he really did. But Sokka's eyes shone so brightly in the moonlight, and his toned torso was so close, that before he knew it he'd wrapped his arms around Sokka's waist and pulled him as closely as he could. Without a moment's hesitation, their lips connected.

For a long while, neither of them moved.

"Wow." Sokka declared. He stared wide-eyed at his friend, who somehow no longer looked even the slightest bit nervous.

"Why would you bring a sword to the beach?"

For a moment, Sokka was confused. Then the realization hit and he chuckled, wrapping his arms around Zuko and pulling him in once more.

Somewhere above them, Yue was rolling her eyes.

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