"Well, to grow as a company, as a label we would need several affiliates to spread the influence and what not so, in Rose Records, we have about eight affiliates to work with but we aim to have ten. So, Ms Parker, will you be willing to join us in New York for this convention?"

I stare aimlessly at the contract on my hand as I contemplated the decision I was about to make.

This is definitely a substantial offer and I can't even help myself from smiling about it, but it's an enormous responsibility. I can't help but speculate that Dereck only acknowledged me because he knew me and wouldn't be bothered to pick anyone else. The thought stings but I try to shake it off.

If I want to make it in the music world, then I would have to take some risks, wouldn't I?

Another plus is it's in New York. If I'm lucky, then I might be able to see my mom, visit her. I mean sure in the agreement it only said two days but maybe that's enough? It would be nice to visit mom before Christmas.

I sigh to myself before fishing out a pen from my pockets and signing the agreement, skimming through the terms and conditions.

When I finished signing my name, I look up at the two very proud men.

"May I ask, how about Grey?"

"He came in a little earlier and had signed too. Welcome to the team Ms Parker." Dereck reached out for my hand and we shook on it before I reached out to Mr Rose.

"We are very excited to see you grow in the industry, we are sure you will. We will email you more details about the trip in the coming days." Mr Rose assured and I give him my brightest smile.

"Thank you, sir, this means so much," I tell them as our meeting finished.

• • •

The rest of the day ensued to be so much more stressful. I spent it all thinking about the briefs I've read and the songs I would have to make. The opportunities seemed to have just sprung right at me without a warning and that by itself is encouraging. I never would've guessed that it would've come so fast. I can't wait to call mom and tell Chase.

I reach for my phone in my car at the instinct to call my mom when I realized I shouldn't even be calling her, not yet. My heart sinks at the decision I've made but it would ensure me that the gala goes on without a hitch or anything to worry about.

Besides, I've got the whole three weeks to tell her.

I arrive back to Chase's building since that's basically where I stay now. Julia even asked me why I didn't come home last night and I know I should've.

There's still a lot of time for me to go back to the dorms and get ready since all my things are over there, but for now, I need to check on Chase and tell him about my day. I am not ready for him to hear about his father's involvement but it's about me so he would let it slide, right?

I swung the door open to my surprise but didn't think much of it when I found Chase sat on his couch playing some kind of video game.

"Hey, geek, " I greet him gleefully and he glares my way.

"Don't call me that."

I roll my eyes at his attitude before sitting right beside him.

"Don't expect to call me a nerd and not get called a geek." I giggled, watching the very violent game HE was playing as he paused it.

"You seem too happy." He asked suspiciously, and I giggled a little more. I seemed like that.

"Don't call me out for being happy." I nudge him slightly and a smirk spreads across his face as he turned to me.

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