[64]: Bakusquad Lunch

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"A camping trip

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"A camping trip."


You noticed Aizawa cover his ears with a slight wince, as he expected the onslaught of class expressing their extreme excitement for something such as this.

"This trip was not my idea. However, i'm not going to mention who's idea this originally was, because that will earn them a lot of praise. I wish to keep it anonymous."

You scoffed, "Petty little bastard."

Because you had muttered under your breath, and were at the back of the classroom, Aizawa did not hear you.


"This Wednesday, we will all depart the campus on busses, as a class, to visit Hano Island. If you aren't aware, it is a regular camping island, pretty popular to tourists, just off the shore, where we will stay for four days and three nights. Though, i'm confident that there won't be many tourists, given everything that has been going on recently."

Your hand rose into the air.

No one really expected that from you.

Aizawa even appeared skeptical about answering your question, but he had a certain obligation as a teacher. Plus, Midnight had informed him that you were to be treated equally to the rest of the students. And possibly, he would have treated you that way anyway, because he feels the same way about you, and has he same sympathy for your situation.

Only he isn't as good at expressing it.

"Yes, Rina."

Your hand dropped.

"So, what's the catch?"

"No catch." he shook his head, "Like I mentioned, this wasn't my idea. However, I do have to agree with the those of whom suggested we supply something casual and even fun for the students. A break away from your homes, where you get to be with each other, survive on your own. Have fun. I'm actually quite fond of the idea."

"Survive on our own?" Ashido gasped, standing up, "What do you mean!?"

Aizawa nodded. "Yes. You students will be alone on the island. You will be supplied with sufficient camping gear, and devices to aid you in finding, cooking and consuming your own food and water. So, as much as this will be for fun, it will also present itself as a challenge to many of you."

"Oui oui, mi amour," Aoyama intervened with a sour happy-face. "I cannot allow myself to be surrounded in only the cruel outside world for such a long period of time! I can only assume there will be no showers, no shampoo, even no washing machines!"

Aizawa looked like he wanted to quit his job then and there.

"Right. Well, since the motives of this camping trip are pure and have good intentions for you students, those of you who really don't want to go, or participate with the others, do not have to. Those students will remain here in their dorms, and attend regular classes until the rest of the class returns."

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