[43] - Orders

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Uraraka broke the news about you going missing to the others after the armageddon battle between everyone had come to an end

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Uraraka broke the news about you going missing to the others after the armageddon battle between everyone had come to an end.

The boys only had a moment of celebration before they were told.

If you were there to witness it, you would've seen that Bakugou wasn't on his game during the battle, but it was because his head was consumed with you.

All he knew, while he was fighting, was that you hadn't finished your business in the bathroom. You didn't come out, and the others were forced to move onto and assist in the battle.

The only reason he actually left was because he knew you could handle yourself, and would eventually find you way back to him.

But you didn't.

When trembling Uraraka finally told them, in a huge panic, she couldn't control her tears. Bakugou also, could not possibly explain the fear he felt.

It happened again.

Immediately, after he heard the story, he knew who was behind it.

"It's them, the fucking league again. They took her again? I thought she was safe here! How did they even find her!?"

Everyone in the surrounding circle was shocked to hear Bakugou talking so much, but it was so much more overwhelming to them that you were taken again.

In fact, they were so busy panicking that they didn't notice Bakugou's panicked level-headedness.

"She's stronger than them, she knows it! Why didn't she fight back? I don't understand, what do they want from her? I wasn't next to her for 2 damn seconds and she's already sucked into their trap again!"

Midoriya bit his nails, "And Kacchan was just starting to rub off on Pheonix, too. This is horrible, they're going to remind her what villain life was like. It's so-"

He carefully looked around the circle, and all his worried classmates were looking at him, listening. They trusted him, even Bakugou had given him the floor to talk, hoping he would say something useful.

Bakugou was vulnerable now; he was scared.

He finally had something more important than his reputation.

"You guys noticed it too, right? Rina has been softer, kinder. She's more focused and not so explosive. It's almost as if she isn't hating her time here anymore. With us, she's different now."

"I noticed it too!" Ashido added, "She's been nice to me this week. I thought I was imagining it."

"She's definitely changed," Todoroki said silently. "It made me so pleased."

"Right," Midoriya continued. "So my point is—that in the few short months she was with us, there was already so much improvement in her! Imagine her after the two years of school! She might even pursue a hero's lifestyle!"

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