Chapter 31: So tired.

Start from the beginning

"Hi MAI! Em nhớ anh! (Hi Mai! I miss you!)" I yelled. Zayn followed me into the store and smiled at her.

"Này là ai? (who is this)" She asked.

"Đây là Zayn.Ngài và các thành viên trong ban nhạc của mình đã thông qua tôi và Vicki.Ông là từ một hướng.Một trong đó tôi nói với bạn về.Vì vậy, ..Họ là anh em của tôi. (This is Zayn. Him and his bandmates adopted me and Vicki. He is from One Direction. The one that I told you about. So.. They are now my brothers.)" I smiled. She came out of the counter and hugged me. 

"Tôi rất hạnh phúc cho bạn!Bạn cuối cùng đã được thông qua! ( I am so happy for you! You finally got adopted!" She said. She was having tears in her eyes already. Ohhh no. That means, I am going to have tears.

"Đừng khóc (Don't cry)!" I hugged her. She was only in her 30's. And she was married and had 2 children. They were to die for. 

"Cảm ơn Bạn đã chấp nhận cô. Nó có ý nghĩa rất nhiều với tôi.Chăm sóc cô ấy và luôn luôn có mặt ở đó cho cô ấy." She said to Zayn. I had to translate that from her to him. 

"She said that "Thank You for adopting me. It means so much for her to adopt me. And take care of me and always be there for me." I smiled and Zayn hugged her. 

"Tell her, I will always be there for you no matter what. And the other boys too. And I am happy that we adopted you." Zayn smiled.

I nodded and said to Mai," Ông nói rằng ông sẽ luôn luôn được ở đây đối với tôi không có vấn đề gì và các chàng trai khác.Ông cũng là rất hạnh phúc mà họ đã thông qua tôi và Vicki" I said. She was crying now and I was hugging her to death. Zayn hugged her and she went to go take my orders. 

"Hey Zayn. What do you want?" I ask him. "Ummm. I like honeydew and mango."He smiled. "ME TOO!"I said. We gave each other high fives and I told Mai the orders. 

"Wait. Anything for the boys?" I asked.

"Umm. They like honeydew and watermelon." Zayn said. I nodded and told her the orders.

" Tôi có thể có 2 ngọt và sinh tố xoài với thạch đầy màu sắc trong đó?Và tôi có thể có 5 dưa hấu và smoothies ngọt quá?Đó là cho các chàng trai và Vicki. (Can I have 2 honeydew and mango smoothie with colorful jelly in it?  And can I have 5 watermelon and honeydew smoothies too? It is for the boys and Vicki.)" I asked her. She smiled and got right to it. 

*5 minutes later*

She came out with all the smoothies and I gave her a huge hug. 

"Cảm ơn bạn Mai rất nhiều! (Thank you so much Mai! )" I smiled. 

"Không có vấn đề!" She smiled. I was about to pay her without Zayn looking, but then she gave me my money back. I gave her a weird look.

"Số này ở ngay trong nhà. ( No. this is on the house.)" she smiled. I gave her a ten dollar tip and I made her keep it. I gave her one last hug and I yelled I LOVE YOU in Vietnamese. She yelled back the same too and I was left with a smile on my face.

"Mai is so nice." Zayn said.

"Yeah. She is. She is like my mom before I got adopted by you guys." I said and sipping on my drink. 

"Hmm. I never tried these before." Zayn said. 

I gasped and said," WHAT?! YOU NEED TO TRY IT NOW!" I grabbed the smoothie and put the straw in it. I gave it to him and he sipped it. 

"WOAH. This is good." Zayn said.

I smirked and said,"SEE." We drove on the way home seeing everyone was home. Even the girls. THE GIRLS?!

"RACHEL! REAGAN! ELEANOR! STEPHANIE! VICKI! GINA!" I yelled. I ran up to them and gave them a huge hug. We started to talk pretty loud till Louis yelled,"OK! It is now my turn to take Anna!" 

"OK! WAIT! I got you guys this." I said. I took out the smoothies and handed them each of it. Vicki gasped and hugged me so tightly. "THANK YOU SO MUCH ANNA! I LOVE YOU!" She yelled. I laughed and she started to run around the house acting crazy.... "Why you no get me any?!" Rachel pouted. "Aww. It's ok. Go get some of Niall's. Since you are his girlfriend." I winked. She smiled and ran to Niall. Niall was enjoying his until Rachel grabbed it from him and drank some. He pouted and Rachel kissed him. EWWWWWWWWW. All the girls did the same and sat on the boy's lap.

"GUYS. NO PDA. How many times do I have to say that?" I said. "Don't act like you have a boyfriend, Anna." Louis said."I do. But I don't do PDA. EWWWWW." I made a face. They all laughed and Eleanor said,"THIS IS REALLY GOOD." I laughed and Louis and her were sharing. AWWWW. I pulled out my phone and tweeted," Here with the boys and girls! The boys and Eleanor first tapioca drink! I am so happy they drank it. :)" I locked my phone and said, "Ok. Who is next? And Zayn. Remember. DO IT RIGHT NOW SO I CAN SEE IT.." I said. Zayn looked so nervous.

"Ok. Gina. Ever since I layed eyes on you, you were perfect. I love how you are so funny and charming. Will you please go out with me?" Zayn asked her. I was staring at them intensely. My eyes were about to explode. "Yes. Yes. I will." Gina said. I screamed and finally said,"YES! YES! FINALLY!" 

"Thank you Anna. For everything." They both came up to me and hugged me. "Now go my little pigeons. go get ready. Gina. I expect you to take a shower and be on my bed by 7. I will be back then to help you. Ok." I asked her. She nodded and I went with Louis next."COME ON LOUIS! Let's go celebrate this moment!" I yelled at him while walking to the door. "BYE GINA! STAY SAFE!" I yelled. Louis locked the door behind me and I was left with FUN!!!

Louis took me to the fair that was near here. It was so much fun! I never been to one! 

Niall took me to the mall, but it was a mall that i never been before. So I LOVED IT. 

Harry took me to go sight seeing in London. IT WAS AMAZING. Like No chis man. 

Liam took me to the PARK! YES! I LOVE THAT PLACE! We played soccer and played on the swings. I felt like a kid again. 

I think the best was all. I got to spend time with everyone and I was having so much fun.

I did Gina's outfit and hair. The girls helped with her nails and make-up. 

Gina and Zayn left at &:30. The boys took the girls on the dates and I was left with Vicki. I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SEE WILL YET!!!!!!!!! NOOO!!! Oh well. I just have to see him tomorrow.

I checked all the doors and went upstairs. It was only 9:30 and I felt so pooped out. I turned off my phone and charged it. I went on bed and fell into a deep sleep. 

How Did This Happen? *A One Direction adopted Story*Where stories live. Discover now