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Since the beginning of time mankind was divided into three categories.

Humans were curious little creatures and depended on each other.

The Shadow Creatures are responsible for all the evil in the world. They are not to be crossed paths with, these creatures have many names.

Such as the Children of The Night, Children of The Moon, and the Devil's children.

And finally, the Soldiers of Nature who protected humans from the Shadow Creatures. Every soldier was different from the other, some had wings and others didn't.

Some had been gifted to bend one of the elements while others could bend all four of the elements but only a handful could bend all the elements and time itself.

These soldiers were gifted with many gifts.

Some soldiers who could not fight turned to help others by healing diseases with their powers, helping with the growth of plants, or communicating with the peaceful spirits of the woods for guidance.

So, when all of the shadow creatures decide to team up. They started to massacre each and every soldier. It took seven years to kill them all.

Leaving only one left, Hanneli. Who was one of the greatest healers to exist.

She kept a diary full of knowledge about the Shadow Creature's strengths and weaknesses. But soon after she died of a Hybrid bite. On her deathbed, she gave her diary to one of the human farmers.

After her death, the human took it in his own hands to continue the soldier legacy. Although he was only human. By using the diary to kill each and every shadow creature.

The human decided to start training other humans to protect themselves and to kill a Shadow Creature.

And later the humans called themselves Hunters.

In the 800 years after the War of Light, the Hunter population exploded and reached acrossed the world. Making them split into seven clans all across the world.

The Serebryanyy Clan, they rule over Russia, Ukraine and a part of India.

The Argento Clan, Holzpfahl Clan and Clan de la balle d'argent all ruled over the entire Europe.

Argenti Clan was the smallest out of seven clans. But that didn't mean that they were weak. They ruled over South America and a quarter of North America.

The Yìn Clan took control and ruled over Japan, China, Korea and the Pacific Islands.

And finally, The Silwer Clan. Which ruled over Africa and Arabia.

But not all countries had Clans which ruled them. Places such as Alaska, United States of America, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar and Greenland was in the Red Zone.

They were ruled by Shadow Creatures.

But luckily, the Humans didn't know about this because if they did it would most definitely spark another World War.

So that's why they must never find out the truth.

And today my new friend, marks as 900 years after the War of Light.

And till this day, nobody has ever seen a Soldier of Nature. That's easy because they're extinct...or so everyone thought.

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