Chapter 22

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Hey guys!!

Sorry to say but this might be the last chapter for a while. I'll be on vacation a while for Christmas.
Brock's POV

Me and Leiana were laying around the hotel room, especially Leiana. She's going to have to take it easy for a while because of her ribs.

I heard her from the other room. I ran to the door but calmed down when it wasn't even bad.

I chuckled watching her struggle.

"You know you're not allowed to be moving around." I said.

"Well it'll be nice if you'd help me take a shower." She said rather rudely.

"What up your ass today?" I said walking over to help her.

"Just be glad that my foot isn't up yours." She said as I helped her off the bed.

"Okay, what is your problem?" I said.

"I'm just upset, that's all." She said and we went into the bathroom.

I sat down on the toilet and she sat on my lap as I took off her shirt.

"What are you upset about?" I asked.

"My ribs." She said as I tossed her shirt to the side.

"It sucks doesn't it?" I said reaching over turning on the water, letting it run.

"It wouldn't have to suck if you weren't so..." She started, but stopped herself.

I stopped fumbling with her bra. "If I weren't so what?" I said raising an eyebrow.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled. She leaned in and kissed me.

"I will never, never! Ever, ever! EVER!! cheat on you." She said mocking Chris Jericho.

I chuckled. "I know."

"Then why do you..."

I put my finger on her lips, making her shut up and used the other hand to unhook her bra.

"You talk too much, you know that?" I said.

She moved my finger away from her mouth. "I'd rather have a voice than no voice at all."

"True, but I do love you and I do know that you wouldn't cheat on me..."

"Then why do you..."

I placed my finger back on her lips.

"Let me finish. Everybody makes mistakes and they learn from them and that's what I'm going to do from now on. I'm going to know everything that happened before making outrageous claims."

"Promise?" She said.

"Promise." I said kissing her.

"Pinky swear." She said.

I shook my head and took her pinky with mine, locking them together.

"So do you have to take the wrap off and replace it when I get out of the shower?" She said.

"I believe so." I said taking the wrap off.

She stood up and took off her pants and underwear and got in the shower. She called me before I walked out the door.

"Uh, Brock? Where do you think you're going?" She said.

"I was going to..."

"You're going no where, get in here." She said.

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