Chapter 50

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Finally hit chapter 50! This calls for a celebration! So pop out the corks of your champagne bottles, grab a glass or two , and sit down while I give the source of entertainment.
Leiana's POV

I woke up and looked over to see Brock still sleeping. I kissed his forehead before walking out.

I walked down the hall into Keani's room. He was sound asleep in his crib. I smiled walking out and walked back to my room and going into the bathroom.

I turned the water on waiting for it to get hot. I stripped down to nothing and turned the radio on.

I stepped into the shower and wet my hair. I moved away from the water. Is that what I think it is? It is!

"Now if we talking bodies! You got a perfect one so put it on me!" I started singing.

I saw Brock enter the bathroom.

"Morning baby." I said.

"Morning." He said sitting down on the counter top.

"Do you want to go out for breakfast?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. "Oh, you know what? Last night I saw these videos about babies tryin lemons for the first time. So, I was thinking we could have Keani try it."

"Well that's not going to happen." I said.

"Why not?"

"Because he's not 1 years old yet. Until we get to that time he needs formula and baby food."


"Babies can't eat regular food until they turn 1."

He groaned taking off his clothes.

"What are you doing?" I said.

He said nothing and opened the shower door and came in. He hugged me from behind, kissing me neck.

"Can I please take a shower?" I said trying to wash up.

He stepped back letting me finish. I got out dried off and got dressed.

I walked back to Keani's room seeing him awake. With Peanut right behind me.

"Hello, my little boy!" I said picking him up.

I kissed his cheeks. "Mama."

"What?" I said smiling.

"Mama." He said hugging my shoulder.

"Let's go get some breakfast." I said going downstairs.

As I was walking to the kitchen. The doorbell rang. Peanut barked running to the door.

I went over and opened the door to see Dean.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I said.

"Wedding plans." He said taking Keani and holding him.

"I'd love to help." I said.

"That'll be great." He said coming in.

"Where's Roman and Seth."

"Roman's working on the invitations and Seth is working on the flowers."

"So, what do we need to do?"

"You need to get dressed because we are going to look at tuxedos."

"Okay, well can you feed him? His formula is in the second cabinet away from the fridge."

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