Chapter 75

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Roman's POV

Tonight was smackdown and I was so ready for my match tonight. Me and the rest of the guys we're split up for quite a while now. But me and Dean remained friends for our character. Me, Dean, and the Usos against the League of Nations.

I wanna get my hands on Wade so bad ever since the whole stuff about what he did to all of us.

"You ready?" A voice said an wrapped their arms around my shoulders.

I looked over to see pink lips and a familiar stubble.

"I'm so ready to fuck this dude up." I said.

"I get first dibs." Dean said.

"Fuck no." I said shaking my head.


"We'll see when we get out there."

"I guess we will."

"Where's Seth?" I asked.

"He went home."

"Like home home?"



"He has this week and some of next week off. So, I guess he was just a little homesick."

"You knew about this?"


"When did he leave?"

"Today. When you were out doing interviews. He only told me because he knew that you'd act like this." He said slipping off of me.

"Mmm. Let's just get this match over with." I said whipping out my phone and dialing Seth's number.

"Hello?" I heard him say.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you'll be mad."

"I'm not mad." I raised my voice. "I'm not mad. I'm just upset and confused at why you wouldn't want to tell me this. I need to know information like this."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Now that I know you're safe."

"We're up next Rome." Dean said.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too."
Me and Dean got done with our match, which we won. Me and Dean argued over fighting Wade in the ring. Which was sort of funny. The fans got a kick out of it so were did something good.

"What was that?"

We turned around and saw Stephanie make her way over to us.

"Oh fuck." Dean giggled.

"What was what?" I asked.

"Oh nothing just that little stunt that you pulled in the ring. This is why we have a script. One of which that you need to follow and having a little conversation in the middle of the match isn't part of it." She said.

"Steph come on the fans loved it did you hear them out there? They couldn't handle us." Dean said tapping my chest.

I smiled.

"Don't let it happen again or I'll give the fans something they won't love." She said before walking away.

"I just don't understand it. We give the fans what they want. They want us, yet she doesn't approve of it." Dean said.

"Yeah, we're one of the reasons why people buy tickets to come to these shows and tune in on tv to watch us. That should be best for business but they hate us." I said.

"Yeah. Let's get outta here. I'm tired and starving." Dean said.

"When aren't you hungry?" I said.

"Shut up." Dean laughed.
Seth's POV

I laid in bed at home. I knew I was a little wrong about hiding it from Roman. I just needed a little break from everything.

I watched Raw as the three trouble makers come bounding into the room. Jumping at the bottom of the bed. Knowing that they're to short to come up on their own. I shook my head and helped them up and onto the bed. They all drowned me in wet kisses. I laughed as their tongues tickled my neck and ears.

They settled down and laid next to me. Not but a few more minutes into raw there was a knock on the door. I was confused about who it would be especially 9:30 pm.

I made my way downstairs and to the door. A man a few inches taller than me towered over me with. Long curly brown hair that was tied up into a pony tail. Intense green eyes and a fairly well built body.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah uh..."

Lord have mercy on my poor little soul. His voice is so deep. Similar to Roman's but different.

"...I know it's weird to bother you this late but um I noticed that you and your roommates moved in a few months ago. I wanted to welcome you but you never seem to be here. I would have told you earlier but I had to work. Oh, my name's Baron by the way."

"Baron. Interesting name." I said.

"Yeah my dad liked it."


"Pleasure to meet you, Seth." He said shaking my hand. He looked down at my hand and saw my ring. "Oh, you're married?"

"Yeah well my husbands and I wrestle. So we're not exactly home all of the time. I had a few weeks off so I decided to come home."

"Husbands. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"No no. It's perfectly fine."

He slightly smiled with relief.

"I would love to stay and get to know you a little more but. I just got off of work so..."

"Yeah sure. I understand."

"Bye little ones." He said the three french bulldogs at the door.

I shut and door and smiled before making my way upstairs.
Leiana's POV

Brock had just come back from doing an interview regarding the attack that Ryback did to his father.

This was all that he had planned for the night. A match between the two was going to be scheduled at the next pay-per-view.

"You ready?" Brock asked as he came into his locker room.

"Are you?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm tired as hell."

"I can see that. Um, next month I have another match." I said.

"Okay, you're gonna kick ass babe." Brock said kissing my cheek before walking towards the door.

"Thank you. I was thinking to let Frank train me again."

He stopped and shut the door.

"I'm sorry. There must be a ton of ear wax in my ears. It almost sounded like you wanted Frank to train you." He said.


"Why? You know we can't trust him. He's just gonna reel you back in and use you to end your career."

"He's the only other UFC fighter that I know."

"Why are you bringing this up. I'm your trainer. Unless you don't want me to be."

"No, it's just that. You've been pretty busy with WWE. I just wanna over work you. You have enough on your plate as it is."

"Leiana I'm fine."

"Okay." I said as we made our way out of the arena and to the hotel.

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