Chapter 64

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Leiana's POV

It has been a very long morning and I'm now on my last interview.

Of course I'm with Frank because he's my trainer. I know Brock is jealous but he denies it every time I ask him about it.

"So, Leiana, you just had your first match a couple of weeks ago and you won. How does that make you feel?"

"It makes me feel great. I was a little nervous but I pulled through." I said.

"I just want to rewind this back here." The person said going to a part in the match. "Right here you seemed distracted and you were staring into the crowd. What were you looking at?"

"Him." I said pointing to Brock.

He smiled and waved.

"Oh my gosh, Brock Lesnar? When did he get in here?"

"Since the start of this." I said.

"Are you two, together?"

I nodded.

"But, I thought you and Frank were..."

I shook my head.

"Well, my apologies. One more question before I let you go. Frank, do you enjoy training and or spending time with her?"

"Yeah." Frank said. "No doubt about it. She really is a beautiful and talented women with an amazing fighting spirit and personality and that will help her win when she's in the octagon. I love her humor and personality and that helps not to make some training days tiring and brutal. But, besides all of that, the answer to your question is yes." He said taking my hand and kissing it. I blushed looking away from him.

We finished up the interview and I went over to Brock and hugged him.

"I'm about to kill him." He whispered in my ear.

"Well, what will that prove?" I asked.

"Not to mess with me or my woman." He said nipping at my neck, making me laugh. "Come on." He said picking Keani up. "Let's get out of here."

I grabbed his hand and walked out as we headed back to the hotel.

We all relaxed on the bed.

"Wow, five interviews in two hours. I don't know how you do it?" Brock said.

"Well, they gave me the option of doing them on different days but, I said I'd rather do them all and get them over with." I said.

"What do you have tomorrow?"


I looked in between us and saw that Keani was sleeping. I put two pillows around him and got up walking to the bathroom.

"Shower?" I asked.

He smiled and walked over to me. He grabbed my head tilting it to the side and kissed my neck. I moaned quietly.

He picked me up and kissed me as he went into the bathroom, sitting me on the counter.

He took off his shirt. I fumbled with his belt and pants before taking them off.

I took off my shirt and bra. He then took one of my breast in his mouth.

I moaned before pushing him away.

"What?" He asked.

"I just want to take a shower. That's it." I said. "We can do this later."

"What? Leiana, you can't lead me on like this." He said.

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