Chapter 59

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Randy's POV

I woke up with Leiana next to me. She left in the middle of the night for something but I don't know what.

She was awake watching tv. I wrapped my arms around her. She jumped a little.

"Sorry." I said.

"It's alright." She said turning around to me.

"Where did you go last night?" I asked.

"I got hungry. There was still a couple of pizza places open."

"So you didn't save me any?"

"Yeah I did."

I looked over seeing a pizza box on the counter. I kissed her head.

There was a vibration. She reached over answering her phone.

"Hello?" She said.

She kept talking for five minutes before hanging up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"That was Frank. I have training today." She said.

"Oh." I said.

She got her bag and things around.

"I'll be back in a few hours." She said kissing me.

"Wait." I said grabbing her hand. "Can I come?"

"And do what?"


"Sure, I guess."

I put on some shoes and we both headed out the door. We arrived at the gym.

Frank made his way over toward us. He smiled seeing her.

"Hey." He said hugging her.

He looked up at me and gave me this cocky smile.

He moved away from her.

"Let's get started, shall we?" He said.

I sat down watching her practice and she is really talented. I do enjoy seeing her but, what really bothers me is the glares that I keep getting from Frank every now and then.

I really don't know what his problem is but I'd be glad to fix it.

They took a break and Leiana made her way over to me.

"You're really amazing." I said.

"Thank you." She said taking a drink of of water.

"What's his problem?"



"He's just jealous."

"Well, he needs to stop giving me glares or else I'm going to..."

She kissed me.

"Don't worry about him. Just worry about what I'm going to do to you when we get back to the hotel." She said winking before going back.

I smiled.

A few hours later she finished and watching her for all that time drove me crazy. I need her so bad right now.

She came over to me and I kissed her passionately.

She looked at me surprised.

"What's gotten into you?" She asked.

"Just hurry up and take your shower so we can leave." I said.

A couple of minutes later she came out and I grabbed her and as we both walked out. Getting a couple of glares from Frank.

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