Chapter 67

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I hope you guys like this chapter.
Brock's POV

Me and Leiana headed back to the hotel after that big fight that happened at the gym.

We entered the room and Keani ran toward us.

"Mama! Daddy!"

"Hey buddy." Brock said picking him up.

"Thanks for watching him Roman." I said.

"Anytime." He said hugging me. "So where did Dean run off to?"

"He was at the gym before we left." I said. "Where's Seth?" I asked.

"He fell back asleep again." Roman said smiling and looking at him sleeping.

Brock went into the bedroom laying next to Seth and turned on the tv.

"'s the marriage?" I said scooting closer to him on the couch.

"It's going perfect...well almost." Roman said.

"Why almost? What's going on?"

"Everything is good but, I don't know what the problem is. When we were just dating, Dean never slept the way that he does now."

"Well how does he sleep?"

"He's uncomfortable. Almost like he's waiting for something to happen or he's going to be taken in the middle of the night. A few nights ago. I woke up in the middle of the night and I opened my eyes and saw him just sitting up. In the middle of the bed. He was just staring at the door. Like at any moment something is going to charge through it."

"Whoa, that's actually kind of creepy." I said.

"Tell me about it. I said quietly, "Dean, what are you doing?" He said nothing and looked away from the door and he laid back down and said, "Don't worry about it baby. Just go back to sleep." and he kissed me on my forehead. But his lips were so cold. I think something's going on but I don't know what. I want to talk to him about it but I don't know how to say it."

"I'll talk to him."

"No I need to. It's so weird. He's been doing it for like six nights now."

"Do you think he's playing a prank?"

"Well, if he is it's not funny."

"Leiana, come in here! You've got to see this!" I heard Brock call.

We both ran in the bedroom.

"What?" I asked.

"Look." He said pointing to the tv.

"Breaking news today. Women's MMA Fighter, Leiana Anoa'i, has decided to quit her new career after only one fight."

"What?!" I said.

"Her trainer Frank Mir speaks on her behalf."

"Earlier today, Leiana had informed me that she decided to quit her just started career. It's a shame actually, because of how much spotlight she received on her first match and first win." Frank asked.

"Do you know why? She decided to quit?" The reporter asked.

"She said that she wasn't cut out for it. I don't know why she would want to do it? She had so many people asking her for interviews, being in commercials, and people wanting to promote her and stuff. I just don't understand why she would want to quit the start of an amazing career."

"That's not true! None of it is!" I yelled.

"I'm going to kill him." Brock growled.

My phone started to ring. I answered the phone. It was Dana White.

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