Chapter 10

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Hello my loves!!!

I'm sorry, but these next couple months there are going to be slow updates due to school.
Leiana's POV

(Continued from last chapter)

I was riding to the next town with Nick. We've only been in the car for ten minutes and it took about an hour and a half to get there, so were gonna be here for a while.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what did you two argue about." Nick said not taking his eyes of the road.

"Why?" I asked.

"You two are just obsessed with each other and if never seem you fight were you don't want to be around him. I've never seen you fight at all for that matter." He said.

"Well, me and Dean got into a fight that I took to heart because he's like a brother to me. It's my fault anyway Brock was only trying to help and support me, but I was just tired of people telling me that everything is going to be okay. When really it's not, you know?" I said looking over at him.

"Yeah, I know." He said looking over at me. "Sometimes you'd just want to crawl in a hole block out the world around you." He said.

Nick was very helpful and comforting about this whole situation. Now I feel like a complete dick for pushing Brock away when he was just trying to help. I felt a huge weight lift off of my shoulder when I talked about it.

"What did you and Dean fight about?" Nick asked.

"When I woke up from getting knocked out by Kali. Dean was fucking some girl and I couldn't take hearing them anymore. So, I walked in and interrupted them and Dean got mad."

He laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"You've got balls to do that." He said at me smiling.

His smile was so perfect. I just stared at every single feature of his face the stubble on his cheeks, his perfectly tanned skin, and is bright blue eyes. Something about him made me feel different about the way that I see him, but I'm sure it's nothing.

I must have stared at him for quite awhile because he pulled me out of my trance. I turned red, embarrassed that I probably looked like a freak staring at him like that.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said looking down.

"Well, were here." He said in the parking lot of the hotel.

We both got out and retrieved our bags from the back of the car.

"So, I'm guessing that your staying with me tonight." He asked scratching the back of neck.

"I guess I am." I said looking down.

He started walking and I followed behind him. We walked up to the desk in the lobby. While he was checking us in I saw Roman and the guys come in. They saw me and I quickly looked away, but that did't work. They all came over to me.

"Leiana, what are doing? Why aren't you with Brock?" Roman asked very seriously.

"Are you cheating?" Dean asked.

"No!" I said defending myself.

"Then, what are you doing here with him?" He said pointing over to Nick.

"Me and Brock got into a fight and I asked Nick if I ride with him over to the next town. I. Am. Not. Cheating." I said.

Seth gasped and looked down. Roman ran his hand down his face and Dean just started laughing.

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