Chapter 72

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Leiana's POV

I was getting ready for this "date" that Dean has for me. I really don't know what he has up his sleeve but whatever it is. I don't to be a part of it.
I heard my phone vibrate and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Dean: You ready?


Dean: Great! Meet me downstairs.

I really don't want to go through with this but it's a good opportunity to apologize.

"Good luck." Brock said kissing my cheek.

I nodded and walked out and went downstairs. He smiled when he saw me.

"Come on now. We don't want to have that look on our faces now do we?" He said pinching my cheeks.

"What do you want Ambrose?" I growled.

"Ambrose? You never called me by that name before. You must be serious." He teased.

"You don't like that name? Here, let me find one that suits you. Bastard, cunt, bitch, whore, just like your mama, slut, twat..."

"Now you listen to me." He said grabbing me and pulling me to be millimeters away from his face. "I'm sick and tired of messing around with you. You're never like this so please don't start now because a lot of people are going to hate you. Don't make me one of them."

"I would love to make you my enemy, but, right now we have a date to get to, sweetheart, and I can go for a glass of red wine, right about now." I said walking outside.

We arrived at the restaurant. I followed Dean and he walked right past the line of people waiting to be seated.

"Aren't you gonna..."

"Don't need to." He said as he continued to walk as I followed him.

He arrived at a table and sat down there was an older lady sitting next to him they seemed to know each other. I sat down without a care in the world.

"So you've brought a guest?" I asked.

"Jonathan's told me about you." She spoke. "You're a lot prettier than what I would imagine."

Dean chuckled. She smacked his arm.

"You might be a but confused. Let me introduce myself. I'm his mother."

My breath hitched and my eyes grew wide. I felt like I was gonna be sick. She smirked.

"Still look like a whore, darlin'?" She asked.

"That depends." I said calming down.

"On what?"

"Be honest with me Mrs. Good. How many men did you fuck before you came here?"

"About as many as you did last night."

I was taken back. She has a sharp tongue. Dean sat in his chair eyes wide, loving the situation play out in front him.

"Was Dean's father one of your customers?"

Dean's eyes grew narrow.

"You know you've got to be careful out there some people purposely make condoms break you know."

"SHUT UP!" She screamed causing everyone in the whole restaurant to turn and look at us.

I smirked. "So it is true."

Dean looked at me and his mom.

"If that's true then everything else has to be. Oh Dean." I said getting up. "I don't what it was for you to accomplish here today, but, it backfired on you." I said walking away.

I caught a cab and arrived back at the hotel.

"So?" Brock asked.

"He brought his mother, thinking that it was going to settle it."

"Don't tell me you disrespected her too."

"She did it first."


"You should have been there. If you were you would understand." I said starting to take off my clothes. "I'm tired and I want to sleep."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brock staring at me. I smirked and continued to change into different clothes.

I wanted him so bad right now. God knows when the last time we did it, but I just played it off. I walked past him and went into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I put my hair up and let the hot water run down my back.

I heard the door open and a smile crept on my face. Brock stepped in the shower. He lightly pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around him as he lifted me up. My hands roamed all over his back. That is one of the things that I love, his broad, muscular back.

"Shouldn't you be watching Kenai?" I said through the kiss.

"He's sleeping." He said.

I smirked against his lips. I felt him grow hard against me. He slowly started to grind against me. I stopped him.

"Not tonight, babe. I'm pretty tired and I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. The both of us do and I'd like to get some sleep." I said.

"Fair enough." He said putting me down.

We both cleaned up and changed clothes before heading to bed.
Sorry, it's short.

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