Chapter 38

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I hope you guys will like this chapter.
Brock's POV

I was looking out the window of the cabin and I was so excited and I couldn't wait to get out there. A fresh fallen blanket of snow covering the ground with white.

"Be carful out there." Leiana said as she sat on the couch with Peanut beside her.

"C'mere." I said.

She got up and made her way over. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her.

"Thank you for this." I said.

"Your welcome. What are you gonna kill?" She said.

"Some deer."

"Are you going to bring it back here?"

"Where else am I going to bring it?"

She shrugged. "Are you going to cook it?"


She smiled and kissed me once more before I left.
Leiana's POV

I sat back down with Peanut as I continued to watch tv. Just then there was a knock at the door. I got it thinking that it was Brock.

"Forget something already... Oh my gosh! What are you guys doing here?" I said hugging Seth, Dean, and Roman.

"Seth was jealous and wanted to come. I hope you don't mind." Roman said.

"Oh, I don't but, Brock will. He was probably hoping that we would have sex the whole time that we're here." I said.

"Move I'm freezing!" Dean said running in with the dogs following behind him.

The little ones ran right over to Peanut he looked like a daddy.

After they all got settled in. They checked out the place.

"Leiana this place is huge!" Dean said.

"Yeah, I know! I like it big!" I said winking at Roman.

He shook his head knowing what I liked big.

Seth came in and sat down beside Roman on the couch.

"Are you happy now?" Roman asked.

All Seth did was kiss him.

"I'll take that as a yes."

All of a sudden the dogs came running in from the back. We all had a perplexed look on our face.

"What's wrong?" Roman asked taking Spear in his arms.

But Peanut was still back there. I got up to get him.

"What is it? What's wrong boy?" I asked trying go calm him down.

I looked out the side door to see a huge bear.

I was lost for words it scared the shit out of me.


"What? Holy shit!" He said looking at the bear.

"Take the dogs in the other room." I said as he took them.

"What are you gonna do? We can't wait until Brock comes back by then the son of a bitch would already be in here." Seth said as he started to record on his phone.

"I wanna kill it." I said with a smile.

"What?! Leiana are you crazy?!" Seth said.

"No, Brock taught me. I can do it." 

I left and got a shot gun and put bullets in it. I came back as the bear was now staring us down. I was so excited. I couldn't believe that I was about to do this. I reached for the handle.

"Leiana..." Roman started.

"Shh!" I said.

I opened the door.

"Leiana stop!" Dean said.

"Shut up!" I said not wanting them to make the bear madder than it already is.

I stepped out. The bear then started charging at me but, stopped when I gave it a clean shot in the head.

"Holy shit! I did it!" I said.

"Are okay?" Seth asked.

"No, I'm scared." I said.

We all went back into the lounge area.

"Poor babies, must have been scared seeing that big mean bear." I said hugging Peanut.

They laughed. We waited around for Brock to get back.
Brock's POV

I just got done hunting and brought a buck back with me. As I was parking in the driveway I noticed another car. I got out and entered the cabin.

"Hey baby." Leiana said as I came through the door.

I looked over to see Roman and the guys.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

They all pointed to Seth.

I laughed and changed into different clothes.

"Where's the deer?" Leiana asked as I sat down beside her.

"In the garage." I said.

"Brock you've got to see this." Dean said.

We followed him to the back. There laying on the ground was a huge bear.

"Is it dead?" I asked.

"Leiana took one of your extra guns and shot him." Roman said.

I looked over at her to see her with the biggest smile on her face.

"No you didn't." I said.

"Yes she did! I have proof!" Seth said showing me a video.

"Okay, I was wrong. Nice job babe." I said kissing her.

We all just laid around for the rest of the day. It was getting late. I turned away from the tv and looked over to see Roman, Seth, and Dean had all fallen asleep.

"Babe look."

She looked over at them and smiled.

"We can still have a little fun while they're sleeping." She said.

I smiled down at her and picked her up carrying her upstairs. I grabbed a hat and put it on the doorknob and shut the door as me and Leiana had a little fun.
Hey guys!!!!

I hoped you guys liked that chapter. Please, please, please read, vote, and comment.

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