Chapter 6

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7:02 am

1 Week Later

Leiana's POV


This week wasn't the greatest week. We were in Europe and after we get done with the shows in Europe we go to Canada and the back to the U.S. With all of the traveling I've been really tired and sore that I can't move most of the time.

The feelings between me and Brock are growing everyday, but those feelings get set back a little because of Roman. I don't understand what it is about Brock with him. I can take care of myself and the things in my life. He's just so controlling and overprotective. It was really cold in here because of the weather outside it was always cloudy and wet outside which doesn't bother me because that type of weather is comforting.

I got up and walked into the bathroom that was connected to my room. My hair was a mess and I didn't have on any makeup on. I did my normal daily routine. I gave my hair a rough brush and put it up into a bun before I walked out into the lounge area.

"Hey, good morning sleepy head." Seth said from one of the couches that he was sitting on.

"Good morning. What are you doing up so early bub?"

"I should be asking you that question." He said taking a sip of the coffee that he had.

"I don't know, I just wake up early most of the time." I said pouring some coffee into a cup.

I feel really comfortable with Seth. He's loving, caring, and funny. He's like another brother to me, the same goes for Dean.

"So what are the plans for today?" I asked.

"Today is Saturday and we don't have anything planned for today."

"Well, we are in London so can't we go sight seeing or shopping or something?"

"Yeah, let's go ask the guys if they want to come along."

"Okay." I said getting up off the couch and paused. "But there sleeping."

"Yeah, I have an idea to wake them up."

I followed Seth into the kitchen. He grabbed pots and pans and spoons and handed some to me.

"You want to use these to wake them up."

He nodded with a huge grin on his face.

"Are you kidding me?!" I whisper/yelled not wanting to wake up the guys. "You know my brother and how he is about his sleep. If I wake him up it's gonna be World War 3 in this bitch."

Seth chuckled. "Okay, here's what we'll do. You go wake up Dean and I'll go wake up Roman."

I nodded. We both walked over to there doors.

"1. 2. 3." Seth whispered.

I opened Dean's door screaming, yelling and hitting the spoon on the pan that I had. I jumped onto the end of his bed jumping and yelling and hitting the pan.


"WHAT THE FUCK?!!" Dean said getting up.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I said putting down the pan.

"What the hell are you doing?" He said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Me, you and the guys are going out."


"Yes. Now get up." I said jumping on the bed.


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