Chapter 37

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I hope you guys will like this chapter.
Dean's POV
1 week later...

I lost it last night. I woke up with a massive hangover. My head was killing me. I got up and looked over around the trashed hotel room. I felt sick throwing up in the toilet. As I came back out Bodhi came running over to me and tugging on my pant leg.

I started clinging up as I thought about Seth and Roman.
Roman's POV

I was still completey shocked about Dean still cheating on us.

Seth wasn't even talking he was avoiding me all together. He won't even let me touch him.

"Seth what's wrong? You can talk to me." I said.

He ignored me as I laid beside him in bed. I pulled him close to me, he scooted away.

"Dean didn't do it." He said.


"No, Roman. I know that he didn't do it. I mean think about it has he ever cheated on us?"

"That one night with Randy."

"Dean was drunk he never ment anything."

"Yeah, so..."

"So, why would he all of a sudden cheat on us. I mean he barley even looks at another guy the wrong way ever. So why now?"

"I don't know?"

"Well, I'm going to find out." He said walking out.
Dean's POV

As I was finishing cleaning up there was a knock at the door. I opened it to reveal Seth.

"Hey." He said bringing food in with him which was good because I was starving.

We ate as Seth continued to talk.

"So, why are you here?" I asked.

"To prove to Roman that you didn't cheat. You need to tell me everything that happened that night. Did he drug you?"

"I-I'm not sure? He kept touching my face and I stared to feel dizzy and when I found him his hands were in his pockets."

I told him the whole story and we both sat there thinking. Seth started talking but, I didn't listen. I was too busy thinking. Finally, I made a break through.

"Seth!" I said happily.


"Everybody knows how much of a temper I have right?"


"Well, he knew that the things that he said about me I would come looking for him and he made sure it was in the most deserted place..."

"He had his hands in his pockets and kept touching your fave and what was ever in his pants caused you to get loopy..."

"Then, when I was getting dizzy he convinced me to have sex with him!" I screamed happy that we figured it out.

"This is great!" Seth said hugging me. "We have to go tell Roman!" Seth said heading towards the door.

I pulled him back to me and kissed him.

"Dean, we have to tell Ro." He said through the kiss.

"He can wait." I said.

"Dean please."

"Alright, let's go."

We went to their room and Seth dragged me through the door.

"What is he doing here? Seth get away from him!" Roman said.

"No! I am going to prove that Dean is innocent."

We told Roman everything that we went over.

"Okay, but do you really know if he was drugged or not?" He said.

"I can call Wade." I said.

They nodded and I called him putting it on speaker.

"Hey Dean."

"Hi, um the other night when we had sex. Did you d-drug me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." He said before I hung up.

"Dean, I-I..." Roman started.

"Nope, you should have just listen to either me or Seth in the first place. But you're ways worried about you."

"Dean, please I'm sorry."

I crossed my arms over my chest and turned the other cheek. He came up behind me and picked me up and ran into the bedroom laying me down on the bed. He kissed my lips.

"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."

For the rest of the day we made up. It was pretty tiring but, it's all worth it.
Hey guys!!!!

I hoped you guys liked that chapter. Please read, vote, and comment.

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