Chapter 5

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Hello my loves!!💋

I'm sorry that I kept you waiting so long for me to update. I've been busy and I haven't found the time to update.

But now I'm back and I hope that you like this chapter and the new character that I'm introducing in this story.

(Continued from last chapter)

Leiana's POV
Here I am. Standing here like an idiot thinking that this day couldn't get worse. I was wrong. I'm always wrong.

I'm standing in front of the person that I don't trust, the person that I utterly hate so much.

"Leiana?! Oh my god! Is that you?" He said coming closer to me.

I decided to be nice to him after all I don't even know the reason why he's here. So it'll be a bit rude to tell him off if he's just going to say hello.

"Yeah it's me!" I said putting on a fake smile.

"Oh my god! It's been so long!" He said hugging me.

I looked over at Brock he looked very uncomfortable. I can tell that he was getting a little jealous.

Once we pulled away from the hug I introduced him to Brock.

"Brock this is an old friend of mine. This is Kali." I said.

"Hi it's very nice to meet you." Kali said putting out his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, too." Brock said taking his hand and shaking it.

"Oh, Leiana it's been so long."

He grabbed both of my hands and started looking at me up and down and licking his lips for what felt like forever.

"You look amazing." He said still looking at my body.

"Thank you. You look very handsome." I said.

"Oh, before I forget I've got some great news." He paused for a second. "I'm going the WWE."

My eyes widened when he said this to me.

"Wow. That's great!" I said hugging him.

"Isn't this great. Now that I'm going to be traveling with the WWE we can see each other more and get to know each other more. Just like old times, yeah?" Kali said.

"Yeah. I guess?" I said doubtfully.

"Well, I gotta go. I'll see you around." Kali said.

I watched as he walked off down the street and disappear around the corner.

"Who was that?" Brock said.

"My ex." I said.

"I knew it." Brock said overexcited.

"How?" I said looking up at him.

"Really? Did you not see the way that he grabbed you and how he said that he wants to get to know you better I mean come on." Brock said.

I know what your thinking. Your thinking 'wait a minute I thought you said you barley had any boyfriends because of Roman'.

Yeah I know but I've only had three boyfriends. But Kali he was just selfish. I broke up with him once for cheating, but he said that he was drunk and I excepted it and stayed with him. He cheated in me again but that time I didn't take him back. He's been trying to get back together with me all the time.

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