Christmas Time 🎄 [13]

Start from the beginning

"Good girl," I growled.

Hermione shakes her head. "Good." She then pats me on the head, "You can help Harry, then. He's going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." I swap her hand away.

"I'm not a dog..." I mumble.

"We've looked a hundred times!" Ron tells her exasperatedly.

"Not in the restricted section." She adds quietly. "Happy Christmas."

I gave her a quick hug goodbye as she turns around to leave the castle.

"I think we've had a bad influence on her," Ron comments making me chuckle.

"I think we are an amazing influence on her." Both boys roll their eyes at me.



"Harry, wake up! Come on Harry, Melody, wake up!" I hear Ron shouting from downstairs.

Groaning, I roll out of bed and face plants on the floor. Luckily I was the only girl in my dormitory. Yelling back at Ron saying I'll be there in a minute, I go to the restroom to comb my hair and brush my teeth.

Once I was finished I ran downstairs to find Ron and Harry sitting next to the tree waiting.

"Happy Christmas," Ron smiles at me cheerfully.

I thank him.

"Happy Christmas, Ron. What are you wearing?" I asked eyeing the red and yellow sweater with the patched 'R' he was wearing. Harry walks up to me wishing me, wishing, happy Christmas, and hug.

"Oh, I was just telling Harry that my mum made it for me." Ron rash is toys a tree coming back with two presents and hand, "Looks like you've got one too!"

"We got presents?" Harry question.

"Yeah!" Ron says excitedly.

"There they are." Ron sits on a couch arm and eats jelly beans as Harry and I pick up the wrapped packages.

The first gift was from Ron's mother, two hand-knitted sweaters. Harry sweater had a sewn-in 'H' while mine had an 'M'. I think Ron telling him when he goes home for the summer holidays to tell her to thank you for us.

The second gift was from Hagrid. He had gifted us with both books one of Quidditch for Harry and the other about magical creatures for me.

Opening our last gift we're from the Dursley's. My parents had gifted Harry with a sock and left a note for me saying.

'We move all of Harry's thing into your room.'

Turning to Harry I tell him, "At least we're roommates now." He smiles before opening his last gift. He takes out a small card reading out loud;

"Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."

That's kind of ominous.

Harry opens the present.

It was a cloak.

"What is it?" Ron ask.

"Some kind of...cloak," Harry answered.

"Well, let's see then. Put it on." I nod agreeing with Ron.

He must have been taking this seriously because he put down his food for once.

Harry puts the cloak on, and doing so his entire lower part of his body disappeared, except for his head.

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