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2 weeks later...

Jamie and Eddie were awake in bed at 11pm taking turns trying to soothe a fussy baby, they were both just exhausted and wanted to go back to sleep.

"You sure she isn't hungry?" Jamie said over the crying, standing at the foot of the bed, rocking the baby back and forth in his arms.

"Yes I tried 3 times now, she's tired." Eddie said, she was running on a short fuse with the lack of sleep and the fact that neither her or Jamie could know right away what she needed.

"Okay sorry I asked." Jamie said annoyed at Eddies snippy attitude toward him. He kept trying. Eddie got up and went to get a swaddler and hat from the nursery.

"Let me try this." She said and laid it out on the bed. Jamie put her down and let Eddie swaddle her up with a hat. The crying slowed to a whine. Eddie scooped her up and walked around with a slight bounce to her step. Jamie watched as her work her magic and the crying stopped. She fell asleep in Eddies arms finally.

After she put her into the bassinet she sat in bed and Jamie laid down to go to sleep.

"Jamie what if something happens to us." Eddie said randomly.

"What are you talking about?" He replied.

"Like what if we both die." She said.

"Honey don't do that." He told her.

"No I'm serious. Who's going to take care of Alaina, we're the only two people who know her and her little quirks?" Eddie said.

"Well I know, that's something we still have to talk about with the rest of the family." Jamie told her and sat up.

"Wait but isn't that a decision we as her parents make on our own?" She asked confused.

"Of course but I think their input could help us a lot." He expressed.

"Okay...how though?" She questioned.

"Okay. Think about it this way. If you and I talk about it and come to a conclusion on who we'd want, who's to say they'd want the title?" He said. Eddie pondered it, understanding what he was saying.

"I guess you're right. Can we figure it out at dinner tomorrow night with them though?" She asked.

"If that's going to make you feel better of course. Besides we do have to start planning a baptism too, and godparents go hand in hand with that." He said.

"Yeah, forgot about all that." She said.

"We'll figure it out, don't stress about it. We can sit down and talk to everyone at dinner alright?" He kissed her after she agreed and then they went back to bed.


At dinner Eddie came back from the kitchen with a bottle and handed it to Jamie who was sitting at the table with a hangry baby. Jamie got it right in her mouth, trying to stop everyone's ears from ringing asap.

"Wow, shes got a set of lungs on her." Danny said.

"Oh but it's music to their ears I'm sure in the middle of the night." Frank smiled and said.

"Oh yes." Eddie said laughing at his joke.

"So Jamie, your back at work...how's it been?" Erin asked Eddie.

"Good actually! If he wasn't home for the nights I would probably have a different answer." Eddie said.

"Right, nights are just...a whole different game." Erin said agreeing.

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