Teamwork makes the dreamwork

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"Alright let's try again." Jamie said to his 2 week old baby boy at 1:45am. Eddie had just finished nursing him and now Jamie was attempting to get him back asleep for her. She'd been up the past 4 nights in a row basically between him and Lainey. Jamie didn't work until later the next day and wanted to let Eddie sleep as much as she could.

As soon as he laid the baby in the bassinet he whined more. So Jamie picked him back up and tried again.

"Mama..." a sweet little voice called out over the monitor.

"Ugh for the love..." Eddie said and got up.

"I got it babe." Jamie slowly put Ryan in the bassinet and left the room to care for Lainey. The baby stayed asleep so Eddie fell right asleep.

"What's wrong Lainey?" Jamie asked her, she was standing up, holding onto the rails, crying. Jamie picked her up out of her crib, she was wet, but it wasn't pee, it was sweat, she was out of breath, her heart was beating out of her chest.

"'re okay honey...!" Jamie said and hugged her tightly, she still cried in his chest. She was scared, she must've had a bad dream. Jamie turned off the monitor so Eddie wouldn't be disturbed.

"Shhh, Lain it's're fine..." he sat down with her on the floor. The chair had clean unfolded clothes piled on it. He remembered then that he forgot to fold them for Eddie when he got home.

"Toos!" Alaina kept repeating and crying uncontrollably. She pushed herself out of Jamie's arms, grabbed the stuffed animal she had thrown out of her crib earlier and snuggled on the floor with it.

"Oh did you loose moose?" He asked her and rubbed her back. She started to calm down but stayed snuggled on the floor with her stuffed animal.

"Ya." She said catching her breath and sucking the snot back into her nose.

"Okay well let's go back to bed okay?" Jamie said and started to pick her up. She freaked out and shook her head aggressively, yelling no. Jamie put her back down frantic and laid immediately right down next to her.

"Okay okay...shh." It must've been a scary dream, he thought. He got up and quickly went out to the couch to grab a big blanket. He laid back down beside Alaina and covered them both up. She held onto him like her life depended on it. Jamie ran his hands up and down her back until she slowly went back into a sleep.

Eddie got up at 3:30 to nurse Ryan when she realized Jamie wasn't in bed. She carried Ryan with her to Lainey's room and saw him on the floor with her, snuggled together in a blanket. "How sweet" she thought and went back to their room.

Jamie woke up at 6, slowly got away from Alaina and made his way out to make coffee. Eddie was out on the couch, Ryan was in the bouncy seat wide awake.

"How long you been up?" Jamie asked her.

"Long enough that I made coffee already, he just wants to eat every hour." Eddie smiled and said.

"Aw I'm sorry." Jamie said and poured himself a cup.

"Well looks like you had an eventful night too?" Eddie asked recalling him asleep with Alaina on the floor.

"Ha...yeah. She was freaking out, I think she had a nightmare, she was sweating." Jamie said.

"Oh did you take her temperature?" Eddie asked with concern.

"No?" Jamie sat down beside her on the couch but she got up. He followed and watched her take her temp while she was still asleep.

"98.9" Eddie read and shrugged. She came back out and sat down on the couch again.

"Yeah I mean I didn't notice she was over heated, just wet from sweat." Jamie told her.

"Poor baby..." Eddie felt bad she wasn't with her last night but knows Jamie wanted her to sleep.

"Yeah...How's little man?" Jamie asked looking at Ryan.

"Good now. Maybe I'm not producing enough, he just seems like he isn't being satisfied." Eddie admitted.

"Oh, well I don't know babe. That's a doctor question." Jamie said.

"I know. I want to shower, are you good for 10 minutes? He just ate...?" Eddie asked hoping for a yes.

"Ha, of course Janko...go...take a 20. I'll be fine." Jamie laughed and shooed her off.

Literally 4 minutes later-

"Mikkkk!" Lainey was yelling at Jamie, standing beside the fridge, trying to get it open with her little fingers.

"Lainey...hold on honey, daddy's changing your brother and then I will get you your cup." Jamie said very calmly knelt down on the floor changing the baby's poopy diaper.

"Noooo!" Alaina plopped herself on the floor whining, throwing a fit. Jamie buttoned Ryan's Pjs back up and carried him with to Lainey in the kitchen, now she was laying on the floor.

"Lainey...! Daddy was busy, if you move I can get you your milk now." Jamie told her calmly. He was not about the attitude today. She didn't want to so Jamie walked away and sat on the couch.

"Your sisters being a little sassy isn't she?" Jamie talked in his baby voice to Ryan who smiled at him.

10 minutes went by, Lainey was still laying on the floor whining and Jamie was still ignoring her when Eddie came out.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Oh well...she wants milk but wasn't patient enough to let me change Ryan's diaper. So... she's pissed." Jamie told Eddie. She tucked her lips in and tried not to laugh. She turned and headed to the kitchen with her game face on.

"Alaina Grace Reagan! Get up right now and knock it off!" Eddie firmly told her. She listened and did. Eddie opened the fridge and fixed her a sippy cup of milk.

"Now go sit and stop being a brat." Eddie told her and shooed her off to Jamie. He switched the channel to paw patrol and put Ryan in his bouncy seat.

" okay?" Jamie went to the kitchen and asked.

"Yeah. Sorry, I just...I don't know. She can't act like that." Eddie said.

"Babe she's not even a year and a half yet..." Jamie said as an excuse. That made Eddie upset. She shouldn't have lost it like that. Jamie could see her regret in her eyes.

"It's okay babe. Just take a breath." Jamie told her.

"I know. I'm sorry, I'm just with both of them all day and she's a handful sometimes." She admitted, he gave her a hug and then they went to relax, watch tv and drink coffee on the couch as a family and hoped for a great day ahead.
Exhausting night and morning. I think they both know they had another baby too soon, Alaina is so little yet to understand certain things but it is what it is. At the end of the day they love their kids and they love their family. Leave your reviews and comment/message me for any plot ideas you would enjoy to read!

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