Getting Ready

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February 20th 2021
3 weeks later

Jamie was out in the kitchen loading the dishwasher waiting for Eddie to be ready for the baby shower at the church.

"Eddie you almost ready, we gotta get going babe." He called out finishing up. She came out and put down an envelope on the counter next to him.

"What's that?" He asked.

"It's the gender Jamie." She said.

"Eddie I thought we weren't finding out." He said.

"I asked at my appointment yesterday if she'd put it in an envelope in case you changed your mind." She told him.

"Huh Eddie..." he said sighing.

"Jamie why not!? This would be the perfect day to do it! Everyone's together!" Eddie said getting snippy.

"Honey I just-" Jamie started to say calmly to her.

"I want to go out and buy the cute little hair bows for a girl or the cute little ties and suspenders for a boy. I want to add more then just grey to the nursery, maybe paint a wall pink or blue to add some character Jamie." She said getting emotional and Jamie hugged her.

"If you really want to know...I'm okay with it. I just thought the traditional surprise would be fun." Jamie said running his hands up and down her back. Eddie picked her head up and looked at him shocked.

"Are you serious!?" She was so excited.

"Can we compromise though?" He asked.

"Oh I knew it was too good to be true." She said rolling her eyes.

"Just hear me out." Jamie said and picked up the envelope.

"We open this right now and find out together...but we don't tell anyone else until he or she is born." Jamie said.

"Deal! Besides...I guess it's not gonna change the gender of the gifts we get." She said, Jamie shook his head agreeing. He held the envelope out to her.

"You wanna open it?" He asked.

"No you do it I'm scared." Eddie said starting to get anxious and shake her hands in the air trying to shake it.

"Don't be scared, what do you think it is?" He asked tearing it open awhile.

"Ughhh I think it's a girl.." she said playing with her hands.

"Me we go.." Jamie said and held it out so Eddie could see too.

"1...2...3...!" Jamie said and flipped the paper open.

"Huh! OH MY GOD!!!" Eddie was ecstatic and jumped into Jamies arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Ha!" Jamie smiled and wrapped his arms around her lower back. She kissed him hard.

"JAMIE WE'RE HAVING A BABY GIRL!!" She said after the kiss.

"I love you, I knew it!" He said smiling at her. She let go and walked around trying to process it all she was so excited.

"You gonna be able to keep it a secret Janko?" Eddie said handing her her coat.

"Haha oh I hope. No. I will. It'll be fine." She said while Jamie helped her put her coat on. They walked out to leave.

"Jamie we're having a girl!" She kept telling him on the way. By the time they got to the church she must have reminded him 15 times. He was just as excited but worried they'd slip up.


They went the whole party without letting it slip, they were very impressed with themselves and each-other. Linda, Erin and Nikki helped them load all the gifts into their vehicle when it was over. It didn't even all fit, they loaded up Linda's vehicle too. They got so much stuff, Pack and play, high chair, bouncy seat, swing, walker, enclosed outdoor play yard, jumper, blankets, boppy pillow, toys, monitor, diaper bag, stroller, car seat, spit up rags, binkies, socks, plain colored onesies, gender neutral clothes, bottles, diapers, wipes, breast pump, bottle warmer, bibs, bath tub, crib sheets, and even more in between. There had to of been close to 100 people there, they were so grateful.

Linda had called Danny to come help Jamie carry some of this heavy stuff into their apartment. Eddie wasn't going to be very helpful, she wasn't supposed to be doing heavy lifting so she carried the little stuff with Linda.

Half hour later they were done, Jamie and Eddie stood in the nursery with all the boxes and bags in the middle of the floor.

"Okay well let's go." Eddie said wanting to open and set it all up. It was only 3pm, Jamie went and got a scissors and trash bag to help.

"First hold on. Let's set the high chair, walker, and jumper thing in the other room. We don't need those things yet." Eddie said.

"Oh right. Good idea." Jamie said moving them  out of the room. Eddie decided to stock the changing table with the diapers and wipes, put the clothes away. While Jamie put together the big stuff like the swing, and bouncy seat and then putting them out in the living room. The stuff wasn't really that hard to put together he ended up helping Eddie fold the blankets and rags and putting the other stuff away.

"Ugh Jamie I'm so excited. Aren't you so excited!?" She said after seeing all the cute stuff.

"I have to say this makes it more surreal." He said agreeing.

"And it's a girl! Huh I can't wait. I can't wait to hold her." Eddie rambled.

"I know. Soon enough she'll be here." He smiled and rested his hand on her belly.

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