Another Reagan Is Born

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2 months later.
Date: Saturday December 17th 2023
Alaina: 3.5 years
Ryan: 1.5 year

The last 2 months had been crazy busy, Jamie and Eddie have been house hunting. They realized there's no way they'll be able to have 4 small kids in their 3 bedroom apartment.

They were waiting to hear back from a house they made an offer on a couple days ago. It was small, but big enough for them, had a backyard for the kids to play in, had 4 bedrooms, and close enough to the precinct.

"Eddie, I gotta go I'm running late!" Jamie yelled as he got his coat and stuff on. He was rushing, trying to get out the door. Eddie still nowwhere in sight. The kids were watching a show.

"Eddie?" Jamie was expecting her to come out and say goodbye before he left but she didn't, so he went in all the rooms looking for her.

"Where are you?" There apartment wasn't that big, where is she? Then he finally found her in Alaina's room.

"Hey, I gotta go." He said, her back was turned.

"Okay." She said sounding uneasy.

"What's wrong?" He asked, she turned around so Jamie could see her flushed upset face. Her big belly took up half the room.

"I don't want to move." She said wiping a couple tears away.

"Okay, another emotional day. Let's try and remember it's just your hormones babe." He said taking a deep breath. He really did not have time for this.

"This is not hormones! We have so many memories here, I can't leave them behind." She was upset.

"Babe I don't even know if we're getting that house, we might be here longer then we thought." He said trying to make her feel better even though he was praying they got this house.

"Well I think we will." She said.

"Eddie we're gonna make new a bigger house...with twice as many kids, for many many years."

"But like look at this...remember when Alaina drew all over the wall?" Eddie moved a toy over to reveal the crayon scribbles on the wall behind it.

" weren't happy with her." Jamie reminded.

"But it's still a memory!" She argued.

"Okay well I'll tell you what, if we get this house, I'll give the kids a pack of crayons and they can draw on their new walls." Jamie said joking.

"It's not funny! I'm serious!" Eddie said upset he wasn't hearing her.

"Okay sorry. I really gotta go though, can we put this conversation on hold until tonight?" He asked, putting his arm around her and walking out of the room.

"Maybe just don't go in there." He said and shut the bedroom door.

"Whatever." She said.

"I love you. See ya tonight." He kissed her cheek, quick kissed both kids goodbye and ran out the door.

While Jamie was at work he got the call, they took their offer, the house was theres. He was so relieved, now the question was, will they be able to move in before the twins come?

When he got home, Eddie was playing on the floor with the kids. She sounded like she was in a better mood, he was hoping she'd take the news like she should and wasn't still crying over colored on walls.

"Oh boy look who's home!" She told the kids to excite them, they ran over to give Jamie hugs and kisses, Eddie was trying to get up off the floor too.

"Hiii! Are you guys playing with mommy!?" He asked.

Born BlueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora