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"You actually want me to belive a load of bullshit like that?" I say to a serious Niall.

"I want you to cooperate with us, and to keep the childish emotions aside for now. "

I shake my head and stand.

"Stop it, stop playing around," I say fiercely.

Amy reaches out for me and I move backwards.

"He cant be gone, he cant.I just got him back-"

"Amber-" Niall says and I shake my head and run up the stairs.

Theres no way.

I have to find him myself.

He cant be gone.

He just came back.

I run out to the yard in the back of the house and take deep breathes.

I cant contain myself, I'm having a panic attack.

I run my hands through my hair and close my eyes.

"Oh god...Lou..." I whisper and breathe out.

I open my eyes and start to walk out towards the trees when Niall shouts for me.

I ignore him as I feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

I sniffle and he grips my arm and I push him away.

He fights to grab my hands and I don't comply.

"Get-off-of-me-" I snap as he tugs me into his chest and holds me tight.

I cant help but cry into his chest,I was so surprised and utterly sad.

Why would he leave after he's been gone for so long?

I had no exact clue.


"Would you look for me? If I just...disappeared? " I ask Niall that night, as I lay next to him in bed.

His back to the mattress and is face towards the ceiling, he closes his eyes.

" I would do everything in my power to find you." He says softly.

I watch his unwavering expressing and listen to his breathing.

"We need to find him, I cant just give up like that,"

"Louis wont leave us.He probably just needed a little time for himself. "

I close my eyes and sigh.

"Why wouldnt he tell us?"

"Why would he?" He asks and turns his head to face me.

"Its the right thing, to warn us so we wont worry."

"Thats not the thing,"

"Then what is it Niall?" Iask growing frustrated.

"Us guys-our pride is too big." He chuckles.

I scoff.

"Cry me a river and get over it," I say and he laughs throatily.

He pulls me into his chest and I breathe him in.

"Just wait.He'll come around." He whispers and kisses my head.

So I hold on to his statement, and dream of Louis coming back the next morning.


A/N ☆

Hey guys, sorry updates are so slow, school is keepimg me busy and so is home and all that.If I cant update soon, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Love you guys :) xx ♡

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