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Amber's POV

The sound of chirping-not so much chirping-but gawking,woke me up.

I then recognized the sound as seagulls.

Those fucking birds are so loud I cant even sleep.

I slowly open my eyes,but quickly close them from the bright sun in my eyes.

I clutch at the soft down sheets and cloud pillow,sighing in a comfortable manner.

I then feel fingers skimming my spine,and then I quickly remember.

I open my eyes again,but quickly this time.
I turn my body to face him and see him laying on his back,eyes closed wearing a smile.

"Morning," I whisper.

"Mhm," mumbles.

I bite my lip.

"You know,we are actually really really really wrong being here.We left without telling the guys anything."

He opens his eyes.

"They know.Liam called,"

My eyes widen.


He gives a throaty laugh.

"Lets just say he knows we did something wrong," he smiles at me and its so beautiful,especially this early in the morning.

His blue eyes vibrant and his hair soft,crinkles by his eyes.

"We should get out of here,we have a long flight."


"Did you find everything likeable with your stay?" The desk lady asks Niall seductively.

I sigh loudly and he shifts his gaze to me.

"Very likeable.The bed was really soft.Gave a bit of...comfortable cushion if you know what I'm getting at," I smirk at her.

She scowls and I look to Niall.

"We should go,we have a long flight." I mimic his earlier words.

He shakes his head as we walk out of the lobby into the warm air,towards his awaiting car.

"You just have a mouth on you," he says and chuckles.

"Of course." I smirk.

As we near the car,I sense something is off.

I dont know, I have a knack of noticing when something is off balance.

It hit me like a wave.

I slow my pace and my smile turns to a frown.

Niall notices and does the same.

I didn't react up until a beeping sound came to my senses.

Niall looks at the car for a short second before shouting and grabbing me forcefully as the car in front of us bursts into flames.

My ears are ringing and my vision hazy.

I cough from the fumes and clutch at Niall's shirt,as we both stand.

"What happened? " I breathe but Niall starts to run so I followed.

A car screeches in front of us though,and I gasp.

The window rolls down and relief washes over me.

"What would you do without me? Get in!" Zayn exclaims and right now,I wasn't worried about anything else but getting the hell out of here.


A / N

Hello fellow Hitters! Yes this is a very short chappie bc I'm not feeling too good and all but more to come of course. Hope you all are doing well and wishing you guys the best week ahead!
:) xx

- A ♡

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