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Hello loves! Okay so many people have been asking me about some things that happen here,in Hitman,so I thought it would be a good idea to explain any loose ends before this book delves into something more,and if you read the last chapter; its going to delve into something more.


☆ How old is Niall and Amber in the beginning of the book? And how old are they as of "right now"?

-The year is 2015 when the story begins.Amber is 19 and Niall is 21 when the book opens up,they speak about their age over dinner in one of the early chapters.Amber spends about a year and a half (almost 2) years with Niall,so she turns 20 when she is with him.So the year would be 2016 going into 2017.As of "right now" if you read the last chapter,Amber is 25 years old and Niall would be 27 since their 2 year age gap.

☆ What exactly started the fued between Niall and Harry?

-Harry and Niall have known each other since they were children.The rumor is,that Niall's mom went and cheated on Niall's dad with Harry's dad.Woah,that was a lot to take in.Okay,so ever since then,they have been rivals.Always trying to out-do the other and be better than the other.This kept going on up until Harry's father died,and Harry took over the family's multi-million dollar company.Niall got mixed into trouble,and joined a gang,feeling as if his parents didn't care for him ever since the cheating scandal.Niall's older brother,Greg,lands a job at Styles Incorporation and later kills himself because he couldn't take care of his family,and felt as if they would be better off without him.Harry claims Greg stole "thousands" from him,but thats not the case.Harry fired Greg because he was related to Niall,and he despised the Horans to say the least. Years pass,and we now have the developed characters in this book!

☆ How the hell did Louis get introduced?

-Alright,Alright! People have been skining me alive for the mysterious "Chapter 9" that isnt in the bulk of the book.Wattpad deleted that chapter for some odd reason,and I have not gotten to rewrite it again because the original chapter was really long and had a lot of detail in it.In summarization for the infamous Chapter 9,Louis meets Amber again after years of being missing.Louis and Amber were childhood friends and were best friends.Like any other guy,Louis got into heated trouble with a gang,where the leader threatened to hurt Amber if he didn't join the group.Of course,he agrees and dissappears,leaving Amber utterly confused throughout the following years.Louis meets Niall,Zayn and Liam there.After a year or so,Niall overthrows the gang,getting the rest of the team out.Niall takes Amber tears later,trying to get off from the cops.After a while of dealing with Niall in captivity,Amber decides to try and run away.She is involved in a car accident,and has a mini "reunion" with Louis when she wakes up the next morning,introducing Louis for the remainder of the book.

☆Why does Harry want Amber instead of Niall after they meet?

-Harry is a wildcard in this book.He feels like he is the ultimate god and he can get anything he wants when he wants it.He spent a long time trying to get Niall,and when Amber is brought into the picture,Harry goes into a craze.He obviously takes a sick liking to her and wants to use her for his work.Amber is a weapon of choice for Harry,because after a while,he sees that Niall starts to catch feelings for her.He feels that the perfect revenge would be to take Amber from Niall,so he could hurt like he did when he was younger when his parents got a divorce.

☆ Liam takes a liking to Amber in the beginning of the book,how does Amy grab his attention?

- Liam never really has had time for females in his life due to his lifestyle.He was never to the "one-night stand" type of guy and felt that women needed respect.When he meets Amber,its the first time in years he is close to a girl like her.Strong,independent,smart.He took a quick liking to her,but its quickly shot down once Niall shows obvious affections for her.Amy is introduced as a "trainer" for physical combat to help Amber.Liam and her are on the hush about their relationship,because Niall and Amy were an "old flame" back in the day.They didn't want anymore drama then they already had.They were together throughout the book up until Amy is killed by Styles.

☆ Niall is constantly on guard with Amber; fighting with her and then making up quickly.What is that about?

- Well,we have to remember that Niall has had a rough past and an equally rough time in the present.He finds Amber and decided only to use her as a distraction to get his work done.Little did he know,this girl was equally as crazy as him,and would not let him take advantage of her.Niall respects her as a person,but doesn't know how to properly show it since he has never gotten any respect or love for himself since he was young.He "acts before he thinks" almost all the time,causing sparks between the two.After a while,though,they learn how to deal with each others emotions and fall in love.

☆ Niall doesn't confess his love for Amber (legitimately) for a while,why?

-Niall doesn't want to hurt her.After some time,he realizes that taking Amber against her will was wrong,and he beats himself up for it.He knows that being with him is dangerous and that Amber could get hurt; ( which she does,and the subject of that makes him feel even worse),so he feels that telling her that he loves her could cause damage.She is stubborn as it is,and he doesn't want her to stay with him when the time comes for her her leave because he confessed his love for her.He does,though,later on,only because he feels that she needed to know either way,because she is the only person he has ever felt that way for.

☆ Amber finds out she is pregnant a few months after moving in with Marina.Why does she name the baby "Collin"?

-Aha. I'm not going to tell you guys that because this is a bit obvious buuut it should be fun for you guys to guess if you DONT know.Mhhm :)

☆What exactly is Amber working as?Did she graduate from NYU yet?

-Amber is becoming a criminal psychologist.She graduated first in her class and is hired to a pristine law/police firm!


-James is a new character who shows interest to our main character :) He graduated from NYU with Amber and they are currently "dating".James is in the same field as Amber,but is taking Child Development Psychology instead.


Okay my loves,I think that is all for now,if you have any questions or concerns,if you're lost or confused,dont be afraid to ask me! Thanks for all the love and support :) xx
- A ♡

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