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Niall's P.O.V

An entire month has passed, and I still have not found any leads.

I lean on the huge table,maps, logs, books,passports and empty beer bottles strewn about the space,creating a very frustrating and chaotic appearance.

I rub the bridge of my nose and sigh again, like I've done for the past month.

I look up at the wall in front of me,covered with a large map with pictures and red marker outline, showing possible set points that I have yet been able to prove true.

I've come to the conclusion that he has her off grid.

Theres not way I have been looking for this long with no lead.

I slump in the seat besides the table and hold onto my head.

What if I'm too late already?

She trusted me.

She believed in me.

I lift my head when I hear footsteps enter the office and I sit up quickly.

"Oi, its only me, mate-" Liam jokes and puts his hands up.

I sigh again,rubbing my face.

"M'sorry." I mumble and stand.

"I know. Just relax Niall. She'll be back here as soon as possible. You're doing everything in your power right now. Its not your fault,"

"This whole thing is my fault,Liam. If I never would've taken her-none of this would've happened. I wouldn't have been on the run, I wouldn't have fallen in love with her-for Chris sake- I probably wouldn't even have a kid to drag into this mess-"

"- Niall, its not Collins fault-" he interjects and I stop.

"I know-I-I'm sorry. It came out wrong,"

"You need rest,Niall. You're going insane."

"Liam, I can't rest."

"You cant continue on like this. Its far from healthy-"

"-don't worry about me. Just, can you continue taking care of Collin for me,please?"

He stares at me for a minute before shaking his head.

"Collin needs a goddamn father, Niall. I'll be damned if I just let you wither away in front of him and not stop it while I'm here." He says seriously.

I sit down and take a long gulp of the beer I recently got.

"Well, I'll sure as hell be dammed if I sit here and let his mother and my wife dissappear." I say with just as much force, turning away and continuing to study over the notes and passport information I recently required.

I don't bother speaking to him again, I knew he'd leave me be.

And hours later, when I couldn't find anthing that I have already found, I am left with an aching heart and cloudy mind.


"Niall-" A frantic Zayn calls, making me whip my attention to him by the doorframe of the office.

"You're not going to believe who's here," he whispers and his eyes are full of surprisement.

I raise a brow at him and stand.

"Who could it possibly be?" I ask in a joking manner.

Nothing could prepare me for what I was about to see.

When I mean nothing- I mean nothing.

Louis' eyes flickered when he saw me, and my first reaction was to rip him to shreds.

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