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Nothing was ever the same.

Niall was always very protective of me now,no matter what the circumstance.

Even when I was to bicker with Lou,he would step in.

It was odd,really.

Ever since that night a few days ago,Niall has changed his being when he was around me.

Zayn told me that he only acted mushy and careful around me,but once he stepped out of the house,he was indefinitely the hitman he was trained to be.

"We aren't on schedule.We were supposed to end Styles yesterday.We're losing focus," Liam scoffs and sighs loudly.

We're sitting in the basement of the house,it's large and very spacious;with a huge table and chairs surrounding it.

It reminded me of a conference room-but more gritty and scary,with guns and sorts strewn about the walls and cabinets.

"We need to do it soon,waiting isn't making this situation better." Liam continues and I stand.

They all turn to me,Niall's eyes immediately softening then hardening.

"I know." He says strongly and I shake my head.

"Why don't you just let it go?" I speak up and everyone but Niall groans and shakes their head.

'Here we go again.'

"Tonight we can send Amber out again,let her get more close,"Zayn says.

"No." Niall states and moves over to the gun case,opening it.

"She ruined it by practically giving away our cover.Told him that if he saw us to run."

"You what?" Zayn scoffs and I sit down.

"It's wrong what you're doing.You don't know Harry,"

"-and you do?" Zayn shakes his head and puts his arms on the table.

"Zayn-" Liam interjects fiercely but Zayn keeps on.

"You don't know a damn thing about this operation and what's going on.All you're worried about is being nice.But nice doesn't fucking cut it.You need to stay in your place,and that's to sit there and look pretty so we can get closer to Styles,understand?" He stands and Liam and Niall stand together.

"No.You listen to me.You don't know half of the shit I know.You think because you can shoot a gun you have power?That you're mighty?The gun doesn't make you tough,Zayn,it the man who wields it.You're a goddamn coward,Zayn.Killing someone because of the circumstance of business?Its insane,and I'm not going to be apart of that.Im sorry." I say and stand to walk out of the room.

It was quiet and I couldn't take it.

I went straight to the garage and grabbed car keys.

I quickly got into the black Ferrari and sped off into the day.

I shot Harry a text telling him to meet me at the cafe we were at before our running into with Niall.

He quickly replied and I was soon parking in the lot.

I grabbed a table all the way at the back of the place where no one could really see us.

I waited 10 minutes with a half drunken cup of coffee,when Harry stumbled into the place.

His hair was pushed back and his eyes seemed dull.

He wore a black Ramones shirt with jeans and his usual black boots.

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