Epilouge : 1

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4 Years Later [Amber's P.O.V ]

I was shaking. This is real, and it's happening. The right way.

I clutch my fathers arm in nervousness and he smiles down at me.He pats my hand lightly,nodding.

"You're still interested,right?" He asks lowly and I laugh slightly.

"Dad,of course,"

"-then why are you so afriad?"

His words strike me. Hard and fast. Why am I afraid? I shouldn't be,after all we've been through? I then wear a smile.

"I'm ready." I say and stand tall,clutching my fathers arm still, as we walk through the large mahogany doors of the church.

My heart thumps fast,my cheeks feel warm and my eyes are full of life. I know, because when I saw him, everything collided. All the wrongs,all the goods. The complications and the straight-runs. The sweet and the bitter. All, all flowed together at this moment. Each step I took, I remembered us. Our fights,our smiles,our laughs,our kisses and our love.

And as my father placed my hand into his,I couldn't find anything to say.

He knew too,and he invested in me just as how I invested in him. We were meant to be here,right now. It was inevitable. It was real.

And when we exchnaged vowels and rings,and we kissed,and I heard the bells ringing,our families in front of us with smiles and acceptance,I couldn't tell you how it felt. It was indescribable, it felt like I've been waiting years for this moment. In a sense I had. I never thought it could amount to this.



I always thought that when you got married,everything got a little easier.
I was so,so wrong. Everything seemed to collide in such an awkward manner. I was an OCD control freak and Niall was laid back and nonchalant about almost everything.

It got to a point where I yelled at him more than I ever had before,leaving him stunned. It caused a little hill in our "perfect newlywed" image, but after an hour or so,we got back on. It was always like that, I realize.

Another time I was cooking dinner and just recently cleaning the whole house while Niall was at work.

It was storming outside,and he tracked mud and dirty water all over the first floor. When I tell you, he must've thought I was a crazy bitch, you don't know. I started to become so agitated and upset that I just took out all my anger on him. Cleaning the entore house then cooking a meal along with stress at work and with Collin,I was the upmost emotional.
He let me rant and yell at him,and then he just went on about himself. Which made me more upset. He slept on the couch that night.

And yes, Niall got a job,a real job. He became a Lawyer. Yes! I bagged myself a business man. You'd think he wanted to get into something a little more hands on,a little more. ..physical? Wild? Nah. He had some connections to help him out,get his foot through the door, and it surely helped him.I personally enjoyed seeing him dresses up everyday because holy shit. Years of seeing him in just white tees and snapbacks was worth the wait,I swear.

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