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I lazily opened my car door to see the light of my home,embodied with the sweet flowers and stones of my driveway.

It's early in the morning,about 6.

I turn my engine off and trudge up my steps and knock on the oak doors limply.

I then hear footsteps and a muffled gasp,followed by a turn of a lock,and a sob from a mother that was long overdue.


Niall's P.O.V

I wasn't ready for her to just get up and leave like that.

I was absolutely certain that she was committed to this.

Committed with me.

But she obviously had different plans.

So I let her go.

My father once told me,that if you love something that you had to set it free,and,if it comes back,it was meant to be,and if it doesn't,it never was.

And as I sit and think about her smile and her voice,and all the things I've become addicted to,I realize;she was more than a partner.

More than an object to my needs.

She was something so much more.

And I hope she knows that,and I hope the guy who gets the honor to hold her at night knows that.

I was stupid to treat her that way,and I regret it so bad that it physically hurts.

So,I have to let go.

And I as I stare at the gun in front of me,I wonder,

Was it all worth it in the end?

And I let go.



Hey guys! This was a little filler and I hope it didn't suck.Hope you all are enjoying this! And can you guys just take 4 minutes and listen to the song on the sidebar (if you usually dont and thats okay ) and tell me that that song isnt the most accurate thing for Amber and Niall like I really cannot. Love you guys :)

-Amber xx

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