"Hey Merry Christmas!" Frank said as he flipping the pancakes on the griddle. Danny was making the bacon and eggs. The girls were making a fruit salad, Jack and Sean were setting the table, and pop and Joe were mixing up mimosa in a jug.

"Merry Christmas, where do you want these?" Eddie asked showing the plate of cinnamon buns she made.

"Oo I'll take them." Danny said.

"You can set them on the table awhile, we'll be ready in 10 I bet." Pop said. Eddie went and set them on the table, saying hi to Jack and Sean, giving them hugs. Her belly making it hard to.

"What do you need help with dad?" Jamie asked.

"If you wanna get all the condiments out of the fridge and put them on the table that'd be a help." Frank said. Eddie came back and helped Jamie carry it all to the table.

10 minutes went by and it was time to eat. The food smelled delicious, everyone was starving and ready to dig in.

"Oh my god this is the best syrup." Eddie exclaimed pouring more all over everything on her plate. She made people laugh, she was funny, just kind of says whatever she thinks, doesn't care what people think about her, overall a very honest person.

"Jamie we HAVE to go get some of this for our house." She told him, he smiled.

"Eddies been putting syrup on a lot lately, how long did that last bottle last?" He turned and asked her.

"Ha...I think 5 days..." she gritted her teeth embarrassed but smiling.

"Oh wow..." Erin said.

"Yeah it's bad but it's just so good. Jamie made a bunch of his pancakes and froze them for me so I can have them for breakfast every morning." Eddie said and rubbed his shoulder smiling at how sweet he was. Everyone was like "aww how cute, what a guy".

"I know he's so cute." Eddie blushed over him making him sound like a big softy (he is though) in-front of his family. Danny of course gave him a hard time.

"So syrup is sweet, have you craved anything salty?"Erin asked. Before Eddie could answer Jamie jumped in.

"Oh yeah Janko why don't you tell everyone what you made me go out and get last week at 3am." Jamie said putting the spotlight on her. She started laughing hysterically still not believing she wanted it so bad that night.

"Oh boy..." Nikki said waiting.

"So I had gotten up to eat something, looked through our cabinet, came across an almost empty bag of salt and vinegar potato chips, so I was like perfect I'll just finish these up. So I did, and then I wanted to eat something else to get that aftertaste out. So I ate a few mini marshmallows...and let me tell you what. That food combination is bangin'!" Eddie said energetically. Some people laughed at her, some made a look of disgust.

"No trust me. You guys should all try it! You can't judge until you've tried it. So anyway now I'm like, oh my god I need more chips. So I wake Jamie up and I'm like, we need salt and vinegar chips-" Jamie intervened.

"Side note...I'm asleep so when she's talking to me I just think she's dreaming or something so I just talk her back to sleep like, yeah I know I'll go get more." Jamie said and then let Eddie finish.

"So I was like oh my gosh, your the best thank you! But, he doesn't get up he still just lays there sleeping. So I turn the light on and throw him his clothes, hold out his wallet and keys infront of him, and he's like, oh your awake?" Eddie started laughing as did the rest of the table.

"So whatjya do?" Jack asked Jamie. Eddie raised her eyebrows at him waiting for him to finish the story.

"Ha well...I learned something that night. I learned that you don't tell your pregnant wife that she can wait until morning to get more chips." He said smiling and rubbing her back. She laughed and laid her head on his shoulder laughing with everyone else.

A couple hours later they had opened the gifts, spent the day playing games, watching movies and just enjoying family company. It was time for dinner.

In the middle of dinner Eddie got up to get something from the kitchen. Jamie watched her sit back down and saw she had the bottle of syrup. He wasn't going to say anything because it is what it is. He was just happy she could eat however she wanted and not get sick. That first trimester was tough.

She opened the bottle and poured it on her mashed potatoes (that also had gravy on them). Jamie could've gagged thinking about that. She then took a bite and enjoyed it. He looked around to see everyone else also watching her enjoy it. He half smiled and shrugged his shoulders like "oh well".

"So are you guys still not wanting to find out what your having?" Erin asked. Eddie glared at Jamie.

"Huh, what's that for?" He laughed.

"Gee I don't know mr. I wanna be surprised" she said.

"Sorry didn't know it was a sore subject." Erin said.

"No it's fine. But yes, I would like to know so we can at least add a little pink or blue to the nursery." She said. Jamie didn't say anything he just didn't want to know.

The rest of dinner went good, lot of good conversation. Everyone helped clean up because everyone was going to head out afterward. Frank said Eddie could take the syrup bottle home with her, as silly as it was, she was so happy.

Jamie and Eddie got in the car and headed home. Eddie was holding the bottle of syrup.

"Jamie I think we should eat this off each other tonight" Eddie said excitingly.

"Oh my god..." he laughed at her and shook his head, he thinks his wife has officially lost it.

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