The Next

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   "Mom, why are we moving into uncle Guy's house?" Sam, Kelly and Maz's son, asked.

   "Because this house has been in my family for generations, also your sister likes the move. Besides we are moving closer to your friend, what was his name, right Logan!" his mother, Kelly, informed. "I guess you're right" Sam said.

   Sam was walking into the basement to place a few boxes when he saw a picture that was crooked. He put the box down and went to fix it. Then it shattered, and behind it an open safe with a ring and a note was inside.

   The ring was white, pink, shiny, and had an "s" shape on it. Then Sam picked up the note. It read "I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. If anyone is reading this, put on the ring and say 'You go girl' trust me. Sincerely, SheZow"

   Sam put on the ring and said "You go girl?". Then he transformed into SheZow. He panicked. "What do I do, oh no, oh no. How do I change back?" Sam screeched while trying to get the ring off.

   He saw the back of the note. It had something "Have any questions. Go to the she lair, here are the directions". "Oh thank god. Maybe there it will tell me how to take it off.

   He followed the directions and it led to his new room's closet. When he entered, he felt himself go downwards. Then the doors open to reveal a cave.

   "Hello?" Sam questioned. "You must be the new SheZow, I am Sheila, your super computer" Sheila stated. They both sat there in silence. Until "You should watch this before anything else" the super computer said.

   A video started playing and it showed SheZow.

   "Hello, you must be asking, 'How am I the next SheZow? I'm not even a girl?' I asked the same thing." SheZow detransformed into Guy. "Uncle?" Sam asked. "Who ever you are, you will make a great SheZow, I know it." the video continued.

   "If you're watching this, that means I passed; But if you need me, don't hesitate to call on the bologna phone. Sheila will explain. Oh, and if you need to know, to detransform you need to say 'She-yeah' good bye". Then the video ended with Guy smiling.

   Sam was crying. He loved Guy, they used to tell each other everything. Guy would tell Sam stories, and play with him. They were best friends.

   "Hey, it's alright. You'll get through this, I will help you, and so will your friend" Sheila informed.

   "Who-" "Where are we?" A voice said. Sam turned around and saw Logan. "Logan, what are you doing here?" Sam asked.

   "Is that you Sam!" Logan shouted. "Yes it's me. Who would I be?" Sam replied. "Right now, SheZow." Logan answered.

   "What are you-...I'm still SheZow, aren't I?" "Yes, you are, and you will be until you die" Sheila stated. "So, I'm the next SheZow?" Sam questioned. "Yes" Sheila replied. "Well then. Let's get started."

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