Dude, How do you feel?

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  The S.I.C.K had some crazy upgraded gear. As SheZow was all alone. After the battle she was cut, bruised, and bloodied.

  That was why he was currently avoiding his friend, Maz. Maz had an idea, he would pop out of nowhere and scare Guy, and as he was scared Maz would pull down his hood to see what Guy was hiding from him.

  And that is exactly what he did. He hid in a tree until Guy came. Then Maz jumped out of the tree and successfully scared the "manly" Guy, and at that moment Maz pulled down Guy's hood. It revealed a black eye, cuts, and a bloody nose.

  Maz exclaimed "What happened to your face!" Guy replied "S.I.C.K". Maz said "You know what that means right?" Guy stared at him blankly, Maz continued "Dude, How do you feel?"

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