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     Guy was at school exhausted from the fight he had the night prior. A girl, who was named Annie, came up to him. She said "Meet me behind the school at 3:30 on Friday!" and she ran off. He just shrugged it off and walked to his next class.

     On the walk home, he decided to tell Kelly and Maz, but they were ignoring him. So he thought he could do it tomorrow. It was Monday after all.

    Tuesday passed, Wednesday passed, Thursday came and went, and Guy still didn't tell Kelly or Maz. He didn't really care, considering his horrible sleep deprived state.

  Friday arrived and soon enough it was 3:25. Guy went behind the school and saw Annie there. "Sorry if I made you wait for long" Guy said while rubbing the back of his neck. "No, you didn't keep me waiting" she reassured.

   "Here it goes." Guy was so confused at this point. "Are you alright, I can go and see if there's anyone nearby" Guy offered.

   Annie exclaimed "No you see... I really like Maz, and your his friend so..." "So you want me to help you" Guy finished. "Yeah" she blushed.

   "Good luck, he's more oblivious than me. I just figured out that this could've been a confession, and I haven't slept in days, washed my hair, or get out of my pajamas this morning." Guy exclaimed.

    "Better off just running and kiss him." Guy said as he walked away. Leaving Annie blushing like a tomato.

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